
urceolate adj.瓶形的,甕形的,缸狀的。


It is mainly characterized in the triangular - lanceolate leaves which are green but white with dark green reticulation along the midrib and more or less truncate at base ; the flowers are erect on the rachis and half - opened ; the lip is tripartite , glabrous , more or less urceolate in side view ; the hypochile is saccate , ovoid and big while the epichile is relatively tiny , reflexed , undivided and transversely oblong or subreniform 本種之主要特征為: ?呈三角?披針形, ?面?色,沿中?有白色斑塊, ?基多少呈截形;花直?于花軸,半張;唇瓣呈三段? ,平?無毛,側視時多少呈壺型;基段片囊? , ?形,巨大,先段片相對微小、反卷, ?再細?而呈橫向橢圓形。