
urate n.【化學】脲酸鹽[酯]。


Cold light therapy apparatus of tl - a series mainly uses acc - urate high - strength short - wave cold light radiation to kill pathogenic factors and harmful cells , activate helpful cells , and strengthen immune function of cells in local infected area , and thus achieves the goal of treating and preventing diseases 系列冷光源治療儀主要用高強度的精確短波冷光源輻射殺滅致病因子和有害細胞,激活有益細胞并能增強局部病區細胞免役力,徹底達到治病防病的目的。

Methods mouse acetic - acid - induced twisting experiment , mouse xylene - induced auricular swelling experiment , and rat sodium - urate - induced pedal swelling experiment were carried out in this study 方法采用醋酸刺激致小鼠扭體反應試驗、二甲苯致小鼠耳腫脹試驗、尿酸鈉結晶致大鼠足腫脹試驗。

It is characterized histologically by deposits of monosodium urate crystals accompanied by a giant cell inflammatory reaction in the medullary interstitium and pyramids 它的特徵是組織學上在腎髓質部和錐體部有單鈉尿酸鹽的結晶沈積伴隨著巨大細胞發炎反應。

The method of associated land types was a simple and easy method that provided a quick and acc urate model of grading and could be used in other cities or counties 該方法簡單易行,提供了快速、準確分等模式,并可應用這種思想、模式向其它市、縣推廣應用。

If the blood uric acid level is not controlled , urate will deposit in other joints like knee , ankle and fingers 若血液內的尿酸濃度不受控制,遲些尿酸鹽將會凝聚于其他關節里,如膝頭、足踝、手指等。

If the blood uric acid level is not controlled , urate will deposit in other joints like knee , ankle and fingers 若血液內的尿酸濃度不受控制,遲些尿酸鹽將會凝聚于其他關節里,如膝頭足踝手指等。

Gout is the symptomatic manifestation caused by deposition of urate in tissues and raised uric acid level in blood 當我們身體內含有過多的尿酸,尿酸鹽就會聚于關節內,引起發炎疼痛,這就是痛風。

Drinking more water ( at least 2 litres per day ) can help the body to excrete excess urate 多飲開水(每天最少兩公升)可以幫助排出體內過量的尿酸。

Genetically obese mice exhibited increased xor activity and urate in the adipose tissue 遺傳性肥胖小鼠顯示出xor活性增強和脂肪組織中尿酸鹽增加。

Drinking more water at least 2 litres per day can help the body to excrete excess urate 多飲開水每天最少兩公升可以幫助排出體內過量的尿酸。

Urate is a salt derived from uric acid 尿酸鹽是一種由尿酸形成的鹽。