
upu UPU = Universal Postal Union...


In commemoration of the bicentenary of hans christian andersen s birth this year , the universal postal union ( upu ) has organized the international letter - writing competition with the theme of “ a letter to my favourite fairytale character “ . hongkong post has also kicked off the hong kong contest in support of the upu . special thanks are extended to the standing committee on language education and research ( scolar ) for its cordial support to the competition 為紀念安徒生童話大師誕生二百周年,今年萬國郵政聯盟舉辦的國際書信寫作比賽的題目是給你心愛的童話人物寫一封信,香港郵政為響應是次活動,舉辦了香港分區的賽事,同時亦多謝語文教育及研究常務委員會對此項活動的支持。

We are also launching the free post day on 9 october as one of our 160th anniversary celebration activities while in support of the world post day 2001 of the upu . by launching this activity , we encourage youngsters to communicate by mail and promote the important role of postal services in the worldwide communication network 此外,為響應萬國郵政聯盟二一年世界郵政日,并且慶祝香港郵政成立一百六十周年,我們已將十月九日定為“免費郵寄日“ ,鼓勵青少年利用書信往來,進一步提高郵遞服務在環球通訊網絡的重要性。

The activity is a territory - wide english and chinese letter writing competition for students to use their creativity and imagination to write a letter to their favourite fairytale characters , in celebrating the bicentenary of the famous fairytales author hans andersen and in support of the 34th international letter writing competition organised by the universal postal union ( upu ) 為慶祝童話故事大師安徒生誕生二百周年,并響應萬國郵政聯盟第34屆國際書信寫作比賽而特別舉行的本地中英文書信寫作比賽,邀請全港學生發揮創意,寫信給他們心愛的童話人物。

Hksarg representatives also participated as members of the prc delegation in more than 150 international conferences limited to states , including those organised by international organisations such as the international telecommunications union ( itu ) , world intellectual property organisation ( wipo ) , international civil aviation organisation ( icao ) , international monetary fund ( imf ) , universal postal union ( upu ) and international labour organisation ( ilo ) 特區政府代表亦以中國代表團成員身分,出席超過150個限以國家為單位參加的國際會議,包括國際電訊聯盟、世界知識產權組織、國際民用航空組織、國際貨幣基金組織、萬國郵政聯盟及國際勞工組織舉辦的會議。

The competition was organized in support to the universal postal union s ( upu ) 30th international letter writing competition for young people 2001 . we have taken this opportunity to encourage youngsters to practise their language skill through letter writing while fostering everlasting friendship 今年的書信寫作比賽附有重要的意義,除了響應萬國郵政聯盟第三十屆國際書信寫作比賽外,我們亦藉著這個機會,啟發中小學生寫作潛能,并且鼓勵以書信拉近人與人之間的距離,鞏固友誼。

At today s ( october 6 ) awards presentation ceremony of the “ everlasting friendship “ letter writing competition in support of the universal postal union s ( upu ) 30th international letter writing competition for young people 2001 , hongkong post announced the launch of a “ free post day “ for local students on october 9 , 2001 為響應萬國郵政聯盟第三十屆國際青年書信寫作比賽2001 ,香港郵政舉辦友誼永固中英文書信寫作比賽,頒獎典禮定于今日(十月六日)舉行。在典禮上香港郵政公布,以為本地學生為對象的免費郵寄日將于十月九日舉行。

During the year , hongkong post attended the meetings of the international air transport association workshop , the telepost 98 , the world express and mail conference , the international postal symposium , the world association for the development of philately and the upu express mail service contract management team and project management team 年內,香港郵政曾出席國際航空運輸協會郵遞研討會、郵電98 、世界速遞及郵遞會議、國際郵政座談會、集郵推廣世界聯會及萬國郵政聯盟特快專遞服務合約管理組及計劃管理組會議。

At today s ( 6 october ) awards presentation ceremony of the “ everlasting friendship “ chinese and english letter writing competition in support of the universal postal union s ( upu ) 30th international letter writing competition for young people 2001 , hongkong post announced the launch of a “ free post day “ for local students on 9 october 2001 為響應萬國郵政聯盟第三十屆國際青年書信寫作比賽2001 ,香港郵政舉辦“友誼永固“中英文書信寫作比賽,頒獎典禮定于今日(十月六日)舉行。在典禮上香港郵政公布,以為本地學生為對象的“免費郵寄日“將于十月九日舉行。

There seem to be a confusion between the vatican city state , the minuscule state that exists only since 1929 , and the holy see ( of rome ) , which is the entity which is active in all international relationships except those of a clearly territorial nature , such as membership of upu ( universal postal union ) , intelsat , cept and unidroit ( international institute for the unification of private law ) 人們似乎混淆了梵蒂岡城市以及這個國家的關系,這個最小的國家成立于1929年,羅馬圣堂是一個實體,活躍在所有的國際關系中除了那些有明確領土的自然界,比如萬國郵聯,國際衛星通訊機構,以及國際統一私法協會的成員。

In addition , hongkong post has participated in the board meetings of the upu emsc and appc , the meetings of the upu advanced electronic services group , the upu terminal dues action group , the express mail service contract negotiation team , and the marketing workshops held by asia pacific post 此外,香港郵政更出席萬國郵聯特快專遞服務合作組及亞洲及太平洋郵務合作組、萬國郵聯先進電子服務用戶小組、萬國郵聯終端費行動小組、萬國郵聯特快專遞合約磋商小組等組織的會議,并參加由亞太地區郵政機關舉辦的市場推廣工作坊。

In april 1998 , hongkong post was awarded a certificate of achievement by the upu for its outstanding performance in scanning express mail service ( known as speedpost in hong kong ) item data into computerised tracking and tracing system , and making such data available to tracking partners through international electronic data interchange networks 四月,香港郵政獲萬國郵政聯盟頒發獎狀,嘉許香港郵政在輸入特快專遞資料往電腦化的郵件追查系統方面表現卓越,并且透過國際電子數據聯通網絡讓追查郵件的伙伴機關可使用這些資料。

Of the 5 - axis f / t sensors with discoupling 4 - sps & 1 - upu structure , the force isotropy , sensitivity , stiffness are also analyzed . when building up the jacobian matrix the screw theory is applied , which offers a new way in the analysis of the f / t sensor 對解耦結構的4 - sps & 1 - upu結構五維力/力矩傳感器的力各項同性、靈敏度、剛度的分析,雅可比矩陣的建立引入了空間螺旋理論的分析方法,實現多維力傳感器分析的多種解決方案。

Hongkong post has actively participated in the activities organised by the universal postal union ( upu ) , the asian - pacific postal union ( appu ) , and has also attended the various international postal meetings and conferences either as a participating postal administration or an observer 香港郵政服務效率超卓,舉世知名。香港郵政積極參與萬國郵政聯盟和亞太郵政聯盟的活動,并以郵政機關或觀察員身分參與多個郵政會議。

The upu ' s world postal security network offers advice and training on ways to ensure that dangerous materials are not transmitted by mail ? as well as on eliminating the use of mail systems for drug trafficking , money laundering , fraud and child pornography 萬國郵聯的世界郵政安全網就以下領域提供咨詢意見和培訓:如何確保制止通過郵件傳送危險物品以及如何取締利用郵政系統販毒、洗錢、行騙和傳送兒童色情材料。

The high status of hongkong post in the international postal arena can be illustrated by its being elected as a board member of the upu express mail service cooperative ( emsc ) and the asia pacific post cooperative ( appc ) 香港郵政更擔任萬國郵政聯盟特快專遞服務合作組以及亞洲及太平洋郵務合作組的成員,可見其在國際郵務界中享有崇高地位。

The physical model of 5 - axis sensor with 4 - sps & 1 - upu structure are constructed using the theory of physical model of the solution space , then the indices atlases are plotted 結合空間模型理論建立了4 - sps & 1 - upu結構五維力/力矩傳感器的空間模型,繪制了各項同性的力/力矩與結構尺寸關聯的性能圖譜。

The launching of a “ free post day “ is one of hongkong post s 160th anniversary celebrating activities , and is also in support of the world post day 2001 of the upu 免費郵寄日為響應萬國郵政聯盟二一年世界郵政日以及慶祝香港郵政成立一百六十周年而舉行。

“ a key task for the upu will be to ensure that the fierce competition in the postal market does not degenerate into chaos but proceeds in an orderly manner “萬國郵聯的主要任務是確保在郵政市場上的激烈競爭不要引起混亂,而是要有序地進行。 ”

Based on the analysis of the 3 - aixs f / t sensor , the force isotropy indices of the 5 - axis sensor with 4 - sps & 1 - upu structure are studied 在分析了三維力傳感器的基礎上,研究了4 - sps & 1 - upu五維力傳感器的各向同性性能。