
upstanding adj.1.直立的,挺拔的。2.正直的,誠實的。n.-n...


The stator of aceg is connected to the grid and the three symmetrical excitation windings in the rotor are fed by converter . the magnitude and frequency and phase and phase sequence of excitation voltage can be controlled , so the magnitude and position of excitation mmf as well as the speed of rotor can be controlled . therefore , acegs have superior performances by contrast with conventional synchronous generators and induction generators , such as upstanding stability , power generation of variable speed constant frequency ( vscf ) , adjusting active power and reactive power independently , and absorbing lag reactive power deeply 交流勵磁發電機的基本結構與繞線式異步電機相同,其定子側接電網,轉子上采用三相對稱分布的勵磁繞組,由變頻器提供對稱交流電勵磁,且勵磁電壓的幅值大小、頻率、相位、相序都可根據要求加以控制,從而可以控制發電機勵磁磁場大小、相對于轉子的位置和電機的轉速,使得交流勵磁發電機具有良好的穩定性及轉速適應能力、獨立的有功與無功調節能力和較強的進相運行能力,性能超越傳統同步發電機和感應發電機,因而有著廣闊的應用前景。

And it has the positive meaning to improve the quality of the compressed air and decrease the expenditure of the maintenance and course for air compressors . and it bring the upstanding economic benefits and societal benefits : it have saved 29 , 702 , 400 yuan for the sake of the enterprise every year after the new supervisory control system has run . adopting several new controlling ideas and realizing manners let the level of technique of the supervisory control system setting the pace overall the craft brothers ov 為企業帶來了良好的經濟效益和社會效益:系統投運后每年可為企業節約2970 . 24萬元,一些新的控制思想和實現方式的采用,使本監控系統的技術水平走在了全國同行業的前列,也為現場總線在我國工控界的應用與研究積累了一定的實踐經驗,同時為今后空壓機的多機聯網控制提供了寶貴經驗和良好的借鑒。

Finally , a digital skull - face 3 - d computer aided measuring system is developed based on object - oriented software programming method . this system has completed the measurements of facial parenchyma thickness , facial distance characteristics and tumour ' s area and volume . it gets an upstanding effecting in facial reconstruction process , superposition identification between skulls and photos , and three - dimensional conformal radiotherapy technique 最后,結合本研究所進行的顱骨面貌復原、顱像重合、三維立體適形放療計劃等研究課題,采用面向對象的軟件開發方法建立了一個數字化顱面三維測量系統,完成了面部軟組織厚度、面部距離特征和腫瘤表面積及體積的測量工作,取得了良好的效果。

The first part of the paper is designing the testing project for grounding resistance and insulation resistance in a new way . using 16bits ad converter with programmable control amplifier replaced the way which used changing resistance to change measure range . lt is not only improved testing precision and develop the system expediently , but also reduced the area of the circuit boardwith the new way . in order to make the electric implement safety testing system have upstanding expansibility , the software and hardware of the system adopted the modularization design . adopted mcu atmegal28 as a master mcu which control mmi , realtime clock and communication with slaver mcu . atemga8 as the slaver mcu to realize testing function . so it is easy to add or reduce the testing project . the testing implement system has been developed successfully , and the comments for the system is that it has high precision , high expansibility and easy maintain . but considering the electric implement system should have intelligence and humanity abi lity . so this paper bring forward a scheme of electric equipment safety testing embedded system with speech control . after introduce the basic theory of speech recognition , the paper expatiate the characters of this system . the system is a noise conditon , not special people , small glossary , insulation word system . with these characters design the speech recognition as fellow . utilizing cross zero ratio and short energy to ensure jumping - off point and end point ; adopting mfcc as the character parameters of speech recognition ; the character parameters than be recognized by dtw . in order to ensure the credibility of this project , first realized by matlab in computer 在介紹了語音識別的基本原理后,闡述了本系統的特點:本系統是一個噪聲環境下非特定人、小詞匯量、孤立詞的語音識別系統。根據本系統的這些特點設計了如下語音識別方案:利用過零率和短時能量相結合的方式確定語音端點;采用mel頻率倒譜系數( mfcc )作為語音識別的特征參數;得到的特征參數最后通過動態時間規整( dtw )的模式識別方法進行識別。為了確保本系統實現方案的可靠性,首先通過計算機利用matlab軟件來仿真,在算法仿真實現后又進一步增加環境的復雜性:加上較大的環境噪聲、突發性的噪聲等,再通過修改參數、修改參考模板、兩級識別等各種提高語音識別精度的方法來提廣東工業大學工學碩士學位論文高識別率。

On this base , it has put forward the competitive strategy of optimizeing internal competitive resource , intensifying the administrating level of channel , adequately utilizeing upstanding chances of direct domination and western exploitation , actively pressing the marketing course of chongqing broadcast , constructing strong media in district . it has also made the strategic measures of three step ' s walking of chongqing broadcast . the first stage is the internal organization 在此分析基礎上提出了優化內部競爭資源,強化頻道經營水平,充分利用重慶直轄和西部大開發的良好機遇,積極推進重慶廣播的市場化進程,建立區域性優勢媒體的競爭戰略,并進一步做出了重慶廣播三步走的戰略實施規劃,第一階段為內部建設階段,第二階段為外部擴張階段,第三階段為媒體革新階段。

Facing the constantly expanded business and the even more violent competition of the market , to hold the approaching current and developing direction of the corporation , definitude the future developing object of the corporation , unify all the employees “ idea and normalize all the employees “ behavior , ad just . . perfect and consummate the managing system and working mechanism of the corporation for harmonizing the production of transportation making the corporation sequentially keep the upstanding tendency and taking up the advantageous station in the competition , it is necessary to research the medium - long term developing strategy of the passenger transport and freight transport 在公司運營業務不斷發展、市場競爭日益激烈的情況下,為了把握公司的未來趨勢和發展方向,明確公司的未來發展目標,為了使公司全體員工統一思想,規范行為,為了促成公司的管理體制和運行機制的進一步調整、健全和完善,與運輸生產活動協調,使公司繼續保持良好的發展勢頭,在競爭中處于有利地位,有必要研究客貨運輸的中長期發展戰略。

Now there have been some necessary conditions that are benefit to develop opened - end fund in china , such as : nicer macro economic environment , the upstanding security market , the mature investor , the enormous capital resource , etc . at the same time , we should observe the bottlenecks , such as : high cost , extrusion risk , minor capacity of the security market , etc 指出了中國發展開放式基金已經具備的必要條件,如:良好的宏觀經濟環境,日漸完善的證券市場,具有成熟的投資理念的投資人,龐大的資金來源等;同時也看到了現階段開放式基金發展中的瓶頸。

The company , carries forward the spirit of high quality , upstanding credit , being brave to innovate , providing the first - class product to the world and creating bright future with customers is willing to establish and develop a broad cooperative relations with customers from home and abroad 公司發揚“高品質,講誠信,勇于創新,為世界提供一流產品,與客戶共創美好未來”的企業精神,愿與國內外額商建立并發展廣泛的合作關系。

They sledded seventy miles up the yukon , swung to the left into the stewart river , passed the mayo and the mcquestion , and held on until the stewart itself became a streamlet , threading the upstanding peaks which marked the backbone of the continent 他們駕著雪橇沿育空河而上走了七十英里,左轉進司徒爾特河,經過麻約和邁科奎恩,一直向前,直到司徒爾河變成了一條小溪,穿過作為大陸脊梁的高高聳立的山峰。

For this reason , the government should make the “ university student village officer “ role legalization , establish strict selection mechanism and implement scientific managerial system to build an upstanding growing environment 為此,政府應該努力實現“大學生村官”角色的合法化,建立嚴格的選拔機制,實施科學的管理制度,創造良好的“大學生村官”成長環境。

One sub - system of it is waybill management information system , which deals with the railway freight task mainly . it has been widely applied allover the country railway freight stations and achieved upstanding economic and social benefit 其中以貨運處理為中心的貨票管理信息系統已在全國鐵路范圍內得到廣泛應用,取得了良好的經濟效益與社會效益。

Though it will be a tall order to follow in their footsteps , i have every confidence that the icac will continue to contribute to making hong kong one of the cleanest and most upstanding cities in asia and indeed the world 雖然珠玉在前,要繼往開來亦非易事,但我深信廉政公署將會繼續作出貢獻,使香港繼續成為世界上最廉潔的城市之一。

The dissertation has upstanding reference value to underwater geomorphological measurement system , for instance reservoir region , lakes , as well as measuring the flotage and underwater precipitation 本論文對于水庫、湖泊等水下地形地貌測量具有良好的參考價值,也可用于海洋探測及對水中漂浮物或水下沉淀物的測量。

My wife , i am the daughter of a most distinguished commander , a gallant upstanding gentleman , who do you call him , majorgeneral brian tweedy , one of britain s fighting men who helped to win our battles 我住在埃克爾斯街,我老婆是赫赫有名的指揮官的女兒,一個豪俠耿直之士,對,叫作布賴恩特威迪陸軍少將。

The simulation result of the equalizer of the moderate hf channel indicated the adfe based on square - root kalman algorithm was upstanding and had numerical stability 對于中度短波信道的仿真結果表明了平方根kalman算法的adfe具有較好的數值穩定性,且對短波信道的均衡效果良好。

A . specification : mica powder is unique in its resistance to acid and alkali , chemical stability and upstanding property of insulation , anti corrosion and heat - endurance 云母系列產品:白云母,黑云母,金云母,絹云母,云母大片,云母碎,云母紙

Our cooperater : c & m expedites the construction both inside and outside of our nation , so we have set up many upstanding cooperaters 我們的合作伙伴:我司正加快國內外網絡建設,在國內外建立良好的合作伙伴關系,逐步形成互利互惠的完善機制。

The neck is well muscled , moderately arched , and may have moderate dewlap . the neck , especially in dogs , is shrouded by a thick upstanding mane 脖子富于肌肉,適度的拱型,可有適度贅肉。脖子,特別是公犬,是應該被粗硬的直立鬃毛覆蓋。

“ my dad interferes less in my life when i pretend to be an upstanding young citizen with a respectable job “如果我裝成正直的青年,有一份體面的工作,那么父親就會少干預我的生活。 ”