
upshot n.1.結果,結局;終點。2.結論;要點。短語和例子be...


He personally , being of a sceptical bias , believed , and didn t make the smallest bones about saying so either , that man , or men in the plural , were always hanging around on the waiting list about a lady , even supposing she was the best wife in the world and they got on fairly well together for the sake of argument , when , neglecting her duties , she chose to be tired of wedded life , and was on for a little flutter in polite debauchery to press their attentions on her with improper intent , the upshot being that her affections centred on another , the cause of many liaisons between still attractive married women getting on for fair and forty and younger men , no doubt as several famous cases of feminine infatuation proved up to the hilt 他這個人是有懷疑癖的,他相信,并且毫不猶豫地斷言:天下即便有賢妻,而夫妻間又處得十分融洽,也仍會有一個或幾個男人,總是依次守候在她周圍,纏住不放。而一旦她怠慢了自己的本分,對婚姻生活感到厭倦,就會心生邪念,騷動不寧起來,于是她賣弄風情,招惹男人們,到頭來就會移情于旁人。于是,年近四十而風韻猶存的有夫之婦與年紀比自己輕的男子之間就艷聞244頻傳了,毫無疑問,好幾起有名的女子癡情事例都證實了這一點。

That is the upshot of a league board meeting yesterday that demanded reassurances from the administrators , kpmg , about the nature of the sale to bates before it would endorse his takeover by handing over the club ' s share in the football league 昨天聯賽委員會董事會討論決定,要求利茲俱樂部現在的監管人畢馬威公司對將俱樂部出售給巴特斯一事的性質再次做出保證,這是他們同意這樁買賣并最終交出聯賽委員會手中股票的前提。

The upshot is that while countries such as sweden , holland and greece have prohibited or placed restrictions on commercials directed at children , italy has become the first country in europe that has gone as far as issuing a ban on new radio and tv commercials featuring children 結果是,盡管瑞典、荷蘭和希臘禁止或限制針對兒童的廣告,意大利是歐洲第一個頒布禁令、禁止以兒童拍攝新的廣播和電視廣告的國家。

One upshot that was hoped for in the project was compilation to the same machine code ocaml generates , which is generally comparable with the speed of c . unfortunately , vyper is a dead project , and a compiling version was never completed 這個項目中希望得到的結果是編譯出與ocaml生成的機器碼相同的機器碼,該機器碼通常能和c的速度相媲美。遺憾的是, vyper是個夭折的項目,從未完成編譯版本。

The upshot of this fact is that in an operating system like the palmos , or windows 95 , 98 and me , it is often possible to change data in other programs by exploiting a bug in a single program 結果在象palmos或者windows 95 、 98和me這樣的操作系統中,經常可能通過利用單個程序中的錯誤來更改其它程序中的數據。

An interesting upshot of the general behavior of interleaving is that you can mix text pcdata sections with subelements , and control the number cardinality of text blocks allowed 一般的交錯行為產生的有趣結果是可以將文本pcdata節與子元素混合,并控制所允許的文本塊的數量(基數) 。

The upshot is that almost all of theworlds found so far are hot , mammoth orbs that rapidly revolve around starssmaller and darker than the sun 結果是現在所發現的系外行星幾乎都是溫度高,質量龐大的星體,它們以高速圍繞各自的母恒星公轉,而那些母恒星相對太陽又較小,較暗。

The upshot is that covered call funds outperform stock market indices when the market is flat or falling , but underperform when shares are shooting upwards 其結果是,當股市持平或下跌時,備兌買入基金的表現會好于股市指數,但當股價一路上揚時,其表現則落后于股市。

By the end of the decade their practical upshot will , if they continue to hold true , be the power to synthesise a string of dna the size of a human genome in a day 到2010年,如果這些圖仍然適用,屆時的實際結果將是,一串人體基因大小的dna可以在一天之內被合成。

The upshot is that as more web content on the web continues toaccumulate , making it available to future generations will become aserious challenge 由于目前的網絡上有越來越多的網頁內容在不斷積增,如何能讓后輩們也同樣地使用該網絡,這就變成了一項嚴峻的挑戰。

By the end of the decade their practical upshot will , if they continue to hold true , be the power to synthesise a string of dna the size of a human genome in a day 到2010年,如果這些圖仍然適用,最終實踐結果將是:一串人體基因大小的dna可以在一天之內被合成。

The upshot was that i avoided real danger , and as a consequence of his uncontrolled emotional reaction he was placed in an institution that could better look after his needs 我避免了一次真正的危險,后來,因為他的精神難以控制,探究被送到了醫院接受照料。

An upshot of recursive xml instance documents is to make dtds and context - free relax ng much more natural as descriptions than is w3c xml schemas but you 遞歸的xml實例文檔的結論是使作為描述的dtd和與上下文無關的relax ng比w3c xml schema更自然(但您

Thus the upshot of this misallocation , mr currie would argue , is even more inflation ? even if the world does experience some form of growth slowdown 因而,柯里會提出,即便整個世界確實遭遇某種形式的增長減緩,這種配置失衡的結果仍是更多的通脹。

The upshot is that asking utilities to cover more of their costs is not as callous as the left - wing “ water - warriors ” claim 最后的結果表明,要求貧困國家的供水事業多承擔些費用并不象一些左翼“用水斗士”說的那些毫無憐憫之心。

The upshot of all this is that you can easily have your entire site laid out by experts in html , css , and design using dummy links 這么做的結果就是,可以方便地讓專家用html 、 css對整個站點進行布局,并用偽鏈接進行設計。

The upshot of all this is that you need to be much more careful about automatic conversion inside arithmetic or comparison operations with money 如此這般,你將需要小心的處理貨幣的自動數值轉換工作或幣值比較工作。

The upshot of which was , to smash this witness like a crockery vessel , and shiver his part of the case to useless lumber 盤問的結果是把那證詞像瓦罐一樣砸了個粉碎,也把證人在本案中所表演的角色駁了個體無完膚。

The upshot is that the technique can detect bundles of such filaments running from one part of the brain to another 這樣一來,這項技術就能探測這些花絲在人腦間運動游走的情況。