
upriver adj.上游的,源頭的。adv.向上游。


Situated on the upriver area of yrec , chongqing joins the resource - abundant west china to the developed east china , and becomes the biggest economic center and an important freshwater port of southwest china and of the upriver area of yangtse . as the pivot for surrounding areas , its unique situation advantage , together with its economic foundation , sets the city up in china ' s economic territory 而重慶位于長江經濟帶的上游,位居東部經濟發達地區和西部資源富集地區的結合部,是西南地區和長江上游地區最大的經濟中心城市和重要的內河口岸,具有承東啟西,左右傳遞的樞紐作用,其獨特的區位優勢和現實基礎使重慶在長江經濟帶,在中國的經濟版圖中具有重要的戰略意義。

Zipingpu hydraulic key project is located at shajinba reach , upriver of minjiang river , being built for agricultural irrigation and civil water supply . it also has integrative benefits such as preventing flood , generating electricity , environmental protection and tourism 紫坪鋪水利樞紐工程位于四川省成都市西北60km的岷江上游沙金壩河段,是一座以農業灌溉、城市供水為主,兼有防洪、發電、環境保護、旅游等綜合效益的水利工程。

Abstract : due to the disunity between the upriver corperations and the downriver corperations in term of management mode , operation habit and information system , there comes the three different order modes of store order , headquarters order and auto - order 摘要:由于供應鏈上下游企業在管理模式、經營習慣和信息系統等方面的不統一,逐步形成了門店訂購、總部訂購與自動訂購3種不同的訂購模式。

The equation describing the relationship between the sewage concentration of one position and the sewage discharge quantities of the same position and the upriver position has been established , and the volume of sewage that each position discharges has been calculated 利用各個站點污染物濃度與該站點排污量和上游站點污水量之間的關系式,求出各個站點的排污量。

Whether as an architect , curator of upriver art museum or an photographer … the ups and downs of his life has never been away from his consideration for the “ living ” methods and living spaces of human beings 無論是建筑師陳家剛、上河美術館館長陳家剛、還是攝影藝術家陳家剛… …他個人跌宕起伏的生活經歷從未脫離對人類的“居住”方式、居住空間的關注。

During the subsequent drifting , attributing to other boats , our boat turned over for twice . our boat had to turn upside down at the bottom of the fall because of the heavy bumping from the upriver boat . really amusing 在接下來的漂流中,由于其它船的緣故,我們又翻過兩次船。兩次都是我們在谷底,被上游跟下來的船砸翻的。真是有趣得很!

The company is located in juyu industrial zone , near the national forest park of wenzhou , at the upriver of feiyun river and 56 highway of zhejiang . it is of convenient transportation and nice environment 公司位于溫州國家級森林公園旁文成縣巨嶼工業園區,坐落在飛云江上游,依山傍水,沿浙江56省道,交通便利,環境宜人。

Workman on fab supplement a new product which was puiled from upriver supply station fill in taken product , the upriver supply station pull a new product from furthermore upriver supply station 總裝線上的人員從上游的供給站補充一個新產品,來填補取走的產品空缺,上游的供給站向更上一級供給站拉出新的產品,狗屎。

The docks that has the built cable car for passenger transportation at the upriver of changjiang are the docks in chaotianmen port at chongqing , zigui port and taipingxi port at sanxia yichang 長江上游已經建成有客運纜車的港口有重慶朝天門港客運碼頭,宜昌三峽秭歸港客運碼頭,宜昌太平溪客運碼頭等。

Bel m , like manaus , is a jumping - off point for those seeking amazon adventures , and also one of brazil ' s busiest ports - - about 60 miles upriver from the atlantic ocean 貝萊姆一樣,馬瑙斯,是一個切入點,為那些謀求亞馬遜冒險之一,也是巴西最繁忙的港口- -約60英里,從上游大西洋

Now there are more than dozens of ports at the upriver of changjiang river and zhujiang river . the water level gaps of these ports are between 17 meters and 52 meters 目前,我國長江,珠江以及閩江等上游已經建成的水位差在17 52米的各類港口多達幾十座。

The computers to monitor and control the water level belong to the main control level and are used to monitor every floodgate and measure and display the upriver water level 電廠的水情監控系統的計算機為主控級,用于對各閘門的監控和上游水位的測量顯示。

The chemical plant explosion , 236 miles upriver , killed 5 people and forced 10 , 000 others to evacuate , the state media reported 國家媒體報道,發生爆炸的化工廠位于河流上游236英里出, 5人死亡, 10 , 000人被迫遷往他處。

Beginning in march , the fish start the arduous journey 800 kilometers upriver from the pacific ocean 從三月起,魚兒們就開始了它們那艱辛的旅程,從太平洋逆流而上800公里的行程。

Beginning in march , the fish start the arduous journey 800 kilometers upriver from the pacific ocean 三月初時,魚類們就開始了他們向太平洋上游方向長達800英里的艱辛旅程。

Beginning in march , the fish start the arduous journey 800 kilometers upriver from the pacific ocean 三月初,大馬哈魚就會從太平洋向上游,開始一段800公里的費力的旅途。

Beginning in march , the fish start the _ _ 9 _ _ journey 800 kilometers upriver from the pacific ocean 從三月開始,大馬哈魚自太平洋向上游出發開始了長達800千米的艱辛旅途。

Beginning in march , the fish start the arduous journey 800 kilometers upriver from the pacific ocean 從三月份開始,鮭魚就從大平洋逆流而上,開始艱辛的800千米的里程。

Use the need of water to assure fire protection , should build an upriver driveway and bibulous establishment 為保證消防用水的需要,應修建通向水源的車道和吸水設施。