
upmarket adj.〔英國〕(為)高收入消費者的;高檔的,高級的,高...


The hotel integrate modern , fashionable and personality together , use two exaggerated combining color , it s both fashionable and warmth ; plastic sheet of environmental protection popular abroad imported from korea are used in the room . color matching of two upmarket wallpaper in the interior not only let us feel being at home , but also reflect the atmosphere of a star - rated hotel , transparent toilet , sanitary ware imported are both honorable and classic , it makes us feel quite emotional appeal . the integration of high - grade furniture , lighting accompanied by the now - popular sheepskin simple , neat coupled with the speed of broadband , and digital television which are more suitable for your choice 酒店把現代時尚個性融為一體,走道兩種顏色夸張的搭配既時尚又溫馨房內均采用國外較為流行的韓國進口環保型地膠板,室內兩色高檔墻紙的選配不僅有賓至如歸的感覺,又能體驗出星級酒店的氛圍,透明式的衛生間,進口的潔具尊貴而又不失高雅,又讓人感到頗具情調,高檔一體的家具配上時下流行的羊皮燈飾簡捷明快,再加上超速寬帶以及數字化的電視更適合您的選擇。

Tom fender , him s managing director , commented : “ the study appears to show that as yet the convenience sector is not attracting as many upmarket shoppers as it could do . they obviously have the money to spend and are particularly susceptible to impulse purchases like confectionery and the national lottery 哈里斯國際市場營銷公司執行董事湯姆芬德評論說: “根據這項研究的結果顯示,截止到目前便利商業部門在吸引那些習慣于光顧高檔消費場所的顧客方面所取得的成績不盡人意。

Ng , now a principal investigator and was involved in the investigation then , explained : “ some drivers liked to work on routes closer to their residences so that their families could bring them meals during breaks . some wished to drive on routes around upmarket residential areas or commercial districts because of the refined passenger pools . the most sought - after routes were the cross - harbour - tunnel routes 曾經參與當年調查工作的首席調查主任吳炳國解釋:有些司機希望駕駛的路線鄰近自己的家,上下班方便,家人又可送飯送湯有些則喜歡行走高級住宅或商業區,因為乘客較為斯文有禮不過,最受歡迎是隧道巴士線,因為全部都是新車,行車時間短,還有半小時吃飯時間,較諸其他路線的司機只能在停站時才吃一口飯舒服得多而且更可賺超時補水。

This perception has already started to change but to improve their image even more , they need to attract more upmarket customers from the ab demographic group , according to the harris international marketing annual convenience tracking programme 而目前這種觀念已經開始發生變化,并且在它的做用夏還很好的改變了這些商店的形象,他們需要吸引那些更習慣于高檔消費場所的顧客(人口統計學中的a , b兩類人群) 。

Just as some fashion - industry firms have improved their prospects by going upmarket , so poltrona frau intends to bring glamour to its customers ' living rooms through co - branding initiatives with ferrari ( that should be easy to arrange ) , lvmh and dior 如同一些時尚企業開拓高端市場以增強前景一樣,波爾托那?弗勞意欲通過與法拉利(這應該不難) 、 lvmh以及迪奧等企業的品牌合作計劃讓消費者的客廳蓬蓽生輝。

Hong kongers , previously courted in shenzhen as a source of hard currency by everyone from touts of fake dvds to upmarket designer stores , are now being told to keep their dollars because retailers do not want a currency that is losing ground against china ' s yuan 香港人此前深圳作為來源追捧硬通貨大家對dvd光盤從師爺假冒名牌高檔商店、正因為零售商對保持美元的貨幣就是不想處于下風針對中國人民幣

Hotel public funds for the past upmarket consumers , attaches great importance to stylization , the banquet dishes or high - grade , or fine , or fancy to the main form and color , to meet the masters of psychological stress the need for ostentation and extravagance 星級飯店過去針對公款高檔消費者,十分重視程式化,宴會菜或高檔,或精細,或花俏,以形式和色彩為主,來滿足主人講求排場心理之需。

We intend to offer a more upmarket service and hope that we can persuade large hotels , airlines , golf courses etc . to run the iconic london taxis as a vip service to guests who want something a little different 我們打算提供一個高端的服務,并且希望我們可以說服大賓館、航空公司、高爾夫訓練場等目標,讓他們用標志性的倫敦出租車為那些希望與眾不同的客戶提供vip服務。

But without sustained pressure from foreign competition , india ' s exporters will lack the incentive to respond by moving upmarket , and its government will continue to balk at much - needed liberalisation and structural reform 不過,如果沒有外國競爭帶來的持續壓力,印度出口商會缺乏向高端轉向的應對動機,印度政府也會繼續執拗不前,不去進行急需的開放和結構改革。

Valentine ' s date to dream of or a night of stupid cupid ? romantics hoping to impress their loved one with more than a bunch of hastily - purchased flowers or a battered box of chocolates were offered an upmarket but costly alternative 浪漫的情侶們若想要打動愛人,又不滿足于隨意購束鮮花或弄盒壓扁了的巧克力送給對方,現在有一種高檔但昂貴的方案可供選擇。

Upper lascar row ( also known as “ cat street “ ) features a concentration of upmarket antiques including porcelain ware , old coins and banknotes , gramophones , etc . it is a good destination for collectors and a fun spot for visitors 摩羅街市集是古玩店鋪的集中地,這里售賣的古玩包括瓷器、首飾、錢幣、西方留聲機等,經常吸引市民及游客來尋寶。

The consultants ' industrial expertise and their relationships at the top of all manner of industries would help ibm move upmarket and lead to the more lucrative work of solving complex business problems 普華永道咨詢師們的專業實力和他們與各行業高層的關系網,將幫助ibm向更高端產業進發,并最終進入收益更加豐厚的復雜環境下的商務解決方案領域。

Valentine ' s date , a night of stupid cupid ? romantics hoping to impress their loved one with more than a bunch of hastily - purchased flowers or a battered box of chocolates were offered an upmarket but costly alternative 浪漫的情侶們若想要打動愛人,又不滿足于隨意購束鮮花或弄盒壓扁了的巧克力送給對方,現在有一種高檔但昂貴的方案可供選擇。

“ in a few hours a client can have the sort of length it would take years to grow . that ' s why it ' s so attractive , “ said eric roman , an upmarket parisian hairstylist who honed his extension techniques on top catwalk models 高級巴黎發型師埃里克羅馬正在為一位頂級模特做頭發嫁接,說: “在幾小時之內,客人就能擁有需要幾年才能長成的頭發。

“ in a few hours a client can have the sort of length it would take years to grow . that s why it s so attractive , “ said eric roman , an upmarket parisian hairstylist who honed his extension techniques on top catwalk models 高級巴黎發型師埃里克羅馬正在為一位頂級模特做頭發嫁接,說: “在幾小時之內,客人就能擁有需要幾年才能長成的頭發。

Mr chenault admits there is little cross - selling with the more upmarket card business and there have been persistent rumours that american express would spin off the financial advisers ' arm 陳納德先生承認,在面向更高收入客戶的信用卡業務上,幾乎不存在交叉銷售,此外,有關美國運通將把財務顧問部門分拆出去的傳聞不斷。

And following the lead of the clothing industry , the furniture - makers have done their best to build up their brands and move upmarket : natuzzi has always sold its sofas as “ affordable luxury ” 在服裝業的引領下,家具制造商盡力建設品牌,開拓高端市場:納圖茲一貫將沙發當作“價格可以承受的奢侈品”出售。

This spacious and handsome mall houses local - brand chain stores , upmarket boutiques , high - end department stores , a four - screen cinema and superb restaurants and cafs 商場占地廣闊,環境優雅,名店林立,包括本地服裝品牌連鎖店潮流時裝店高級百貨公司電影院,以及雅致的餐廳和咖啡店,足以讓您消磨一天。

Romantics hoping to impress their loved one with more than a bunch of hastily - purchased flowers or a battered box of chocolates were offered an upmarket but costly alternative 浪漫的情侶們若想要打動愛人,又不滿足于隨意購束鮮花或弄盒壓扁了的巧克力送給對方,現在有一種高檔但昂貴的方案可供選擇。