
unyielding adj.1.不屈服的;頑強的,堅強的。2.堅硬的,彎曲不...


The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings , fires burning , huge structures collapsing have filled us with disbelief , terrible sadness and a quiet , unyielding anger 面對飛機撞毀大樓、熊熊大火、巨樓倒塌等情景,我們無法相信眼前的慘狀,感到無比的悲哀和憤怒。

The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings , fires burning , huge structures collapsing , have filled us with disbelief , terrible sadness and a quiet , unyielding anger 面對飛機撞毀、熊熊大火、樓房倒塌等圖片,我們無法相信眼前的慘狀,感到無比的悲哀和憤怒。

These works delineate all sorts of women of moral integrity , with their unyielding character in the focus , who differ greatly from women in traditional poetry 這些作品塑造了各種各樣的節婦烈女形象,突出了她們剛烈的一面,與傳統詩歌中的婦女有較大的區別。

Wear - resistant and crinkle - resistant high quality buffalo combined with suede as upper . rubber toecap ensures its wearability and unyielding , more protective 采用牛皮與反毛皮的結合,鞋面耐磨,防皺。鞋頭部分采用橡膠材料,耐磨且不易變型,具有保護作用。

In the long course of history , the chinese and african peoples , with an unyielding and tenacious spirit , created splendid and distinctive ancient civilisations 在漫漫歷史長河中,中非人民自強不息、堅忍不拔,創造了各具特色、絢爛多彩的古代文明。

In our heart fills to the duke guan luck reason achievement hope , we admire the outstanding outstanding person , we also anticipate the firm and unyielding team 我們心中充滿對關公福緣成就的渴望,我們欽佩出色的精英,我們也期待堅忍不拔的團隊!

He said being ill can be a very lonely journey and no one can truly understand the isolation , uncertainty of illness and the unyielding pain 他說患病可以是一個非常孤寂的歷程,沒有人能深切體會病人所承受孤立無援的感覺、恐懼及揮之不去的痛楚。

Lu hsun was a man of unyielding integrity , free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness ; this quality is invaluable among colonial and semi - colonial peoples 魯迅的骨頭是最硬的,他沒有絲毫的奴顏和媚骨,這是殖民地半殖民地人民最可寶貴的性格。

The classic european style , the intoxicating wine fragrance and the elegant and relaxed atmosphere all contribute to the unyielding appeal of baaswood wine shop 經典的歐洲情調,醉人的佳釀醇香、優雅的休閑氛圍成就了百事活酒莊的魅力。

Also , my gratitude to winnie fu for her appreciation and unyielding spirit , without which this photo album would not be realised 此外,衷心多謝winnie fu對我之賞識和她那種不屈精神,捱更抵夜地堅持下去,才能令這本相冊得以成事。

But jerrys unyielding faith in god pulls him through all these tests and hiers message is shared and believed by those who want to believe 所幸杰瑞對上帝的堅定信念使他通過重重的考驗,成功地將上帝的訊息分享給許多有緣的人士。

We promise to improve our products through innovation , diligent research and development , and an unyielding commitment to be the very best 我們保證經由不斷的創新、辛勤的研究與發展、以及追求卓越的決心來改良產品,精益求精。

Poignant , brutal and provocative , the unyielding love and spirit conveyed by the children radiates hope for afghanistan 米殊姬尼認為那里有需要,就往那里拍電影,阿富汗戰后有更多的悲情,都體現到兩小主角身上。

In wolves ' life , nothing can take place of unyielding spirit , which makes them live arduously and painfully 在狼的生命中,沒有什么可以替代鍥而不舍的精神,正因為它才使得狼得以千心萬苦地生存下來。

[ niv ] an offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city , and disputes are like the barred gates of a citadel 19 [和合]弟兄結怨,勸他和好,比取堅固城還難;這樣的爭競,如同堅寨的門閂。

In days of adverstiy , we should stand firm and be unyielding ; in days of happiness we should , all the more , be prudent and careful 身處逆境的日子,要堅強不屈;在幸福的日子里,尤其要謹慎小心。

I wondered why i had no idea of some unyielding life sprouting over the fallen petals when i was grieving for the hibiscus 暗忖何以此前只顧嗟嘆木槿之凋零,全不見落瓣之中,有無限生機暗蘊。

An offended brother is more unyielding than a fortified city , and disputes are like the barred gates of a citadel 19 [和合]弟兄結怨,勸他和好,比取堅固城還難;這樣的爭競,如同堅寨的門閂。

I wondered why i had no idea of some unyielding life sprouting over the fallen petals when i was grieving for the hibiscus 我想知道為什么我沒有堅硬的生活發芽想法下落的瓣當我追悼為木槿。