
unworkable adj.無法工作[使用、開動、處理、實行等]的。


When the school is solving impoverished unripe problem to become unworkable alone , seeking help to the society is to hope to be able to rely on the force of social all circles to be able to carry more talented people to the society originally , but the fact is not people imagination far in that way , after a few not quite bright purposes aid financially the harm to them to want far more than be being gotten badly miserably , the heavy pressure that comes from mentally makes them weak again dedicated the school work at oneself , bring about likely finally abandon thoroughly 學校在獨自解決貧困生問題變得不可行的時候,向社會尋求援助本來是希望能夠依靠社會各界的力量能向社會輸送更多的人才,但事實遠遠不是人們想象的那樣,在一些不太光明的目的之后的資助對他們的傷害要遠比貧困嚴重得多,來自心理上的沉重壓力讓他們無力再專注于自己的學業,最后有可能導致徹底的放棄。

Time series method is a newly - developed quantitative method for prediction and yields satisfactory results in the analysis of economic time series in which the involved factors are too many and the relationships between them are too complicated , leading to the application of theory - based quantitative predicting methods unworkable 時間序列分析方法是最近發展起來的定量預測方法,它特別適用于經濟時間序列,因為經濟現象涉及因素較多,關系又比較復雜,因此難以用量化的唯理模型進行預測分析。

1 ) as for the legislative regulation , nowadays the legislation is imperfect , abstract , and unworkable , and the legislative right is being abused . all these impair social justice , therefore it is necessary to stipulate special law to regulate sfc and change the present situation of legislation by departments 因此,應該制定規制格式合同的專門立法,對格式合同的訂立條件、條款解釋、法律效力、免責條款等做出明確規定;改變部門立法現狀,可以考慮建立學者專家起草法律的機制,以確保法律的科學性和公正性。

Then there is the high graphical content of the rich world ' s web : videos and social networking are unworkable in the snail - slow dial - up offered in most african internet caf s 只有這樣,非洲用戶才能應用到豐富的世界網址所提供的詳實信息:在非洲國家撥號極慢的大多數網吧,應用視頻和社交網絡是不切實際的。

Then there is the high graphical content of the rich world ' s web : videos and social networking are unworkable in the snail - slow dial - up offered in most african internet caf s 然后他們才能應用到豐富的世界網址所提供的高速生動的信息:在非洲國家大多數撥號極慢的網吧,應用視頻和社交網絡是不切實際的。

If such arrangement is found unworkable or not accepted by the visitors , the organizer shall refund the portion of money it received corresponding to the change in its services 如果供選擇的安排不可行或者對于觀眾來說不能合理接受,展覽會主辦單位將對由于取消或變更服務內容所對應的費用予以退款。

The end finds it wasted on dead men . furthermore , experience is comparable to fashion ; an action that proved successful today will be unworkable and impractical tomorrow 結果往往是這樣,經驗豐富了,人也馀生無多。經驗和時尚有關,適合某一時代的行為,并不意味著在今天仍然行得通。

On the contrary if the bill is passed now and in five years time it is proved to be unworkable or unnecessary , will it not make the legislation look flimsy to have to revoke the bill 如果現在通過法例,五年后證實行不通或不需要而再取消它,豈不是將立法當兒戲?

Thus , most virtual private network solutions are unworkable due to the cost of configuring each user , and because users will not wait for access 有時,人們甚至不需要對軟件進行逆向工程,就可以破譯它的秘密。只要觀察正在運行的軟件,就常常可以發現這些秘密。

The end finds it wasted on dead men . , furthermore , experience is comparable to fashion , and action that proved successful today will be unworkable and impractical tomorrow 經驗和時尚有關,適合某一時代的行為,并不意味著在今天仍然行得通。

Countless integration projects have failed due to their complexity , cost , and unworkable implementation schedules 數不清的集成項目由于它們的復雜性、成本和不切實際的實現進度安排而失敗。

Man has tiny bones once meant for a tail and unworkable muscles once meant to more his ears 人體里有幾塊很小的骨頭,本來是長尾巴的。還有幾塊布在起作用的肌肉,原來是用以轉動耳朵的。

Maintaining hosts files is tedious , error - prone and generally unworkable in large network environments 維護主機文件是單調乏味、容易出錯的,并且一般來說,很難在大型網絡環境下運轉。

I ' m awfully sorry . this is our floor price . if you find it unworkable , we may as well call the deal off 很遺憾,這是我們的底價。如果你覺得價格不可行,我們只好取消這筆交易。

I am awfully sorry , this is our floor price . if you find it unworkable , we may as well call the deal off 很遺憾,這是我們的底價.如果你覺得價格不可行,我們只好取消這筆交易

A . mistakes help us find out what is unworkable and hence we can approach the right solution 錯誤能夠幫我們弄清什么是可行的,并因此我們能夠采用正確的解決方案。

Buyer undesirous of take risk therefore you quality guarantee imperative otherwise unworkable 買主不愿冒險,所以貴公司產品質量必須有保證,否則無法成交。

When that concept proved unworkable , peck pushed tesla to work on perfecting ac motors 在發現這個概念行不通之后,佩克便催促特士拉想辦法改善ac馬達。

In the longer run , iranians may conclude that the whole theocratic system might prove unworkable 從長期來看,伊朗人可能會明白神權政治并不可行。