
untruthful adj.1.不真實的,虛偽的;不正確的。2.不誠實的,說...


On safeguarding public health , we will brief the health services panel of legislative council on our anti - smoking proposals early this year . we will also protect the public from misleading or untruthful health claims through amendments to the undesirable medical advertisement ordinance and the development of a regulatory framework on the supply and use of medical devices 在保障市民健康方面,我們將于今年年初向立法會?生事務委員會匯報反吸煙方面的建議。我們亦會修訂不良醫藥廣告條例,保障市民免受有誤導成份保健廣告的影響,以及規管醫療儀器的供應和使用。

As to blanche de sivry , whose real name was jacqueline bandu , she hailed from a village near amiens . magnificent in person , stupid and untruthful in character , she gave herself out as the granddaughter of a general and never owned to her thirty - two summers . the russians had a great taste for her , owing to her embonpoint 至于布朗瑟德西弗里,她的真實姓名是雅克琳博杜,她來自亞眠附近的一個村莊,她很美麗,但很蠢,愛扯謊,自稱是一個將軍的孫女,不承認自己有三十二歲她很受俄國人賞識,因為她長相富態。

A public accounting firm or a certified public accountant , that , in violation of the provisions of article 20 or article 21 of this law , intentionally produces untruthful audit reports or capital verification reports shall , if the cases constitutes a crime , be investigated for criminal responsibilities according to law 會計師事務所、注冊會計師違反本法第二十條、第二十一條的規定,故意出具虛假的審計報告、驗資報告,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。

Part five - countermeasures and suggestion : the excessive earning management of listed corporation results in untruthful accounting information , thus brings about the negative influence to the resources distribution in the stock market 第五部分提出相關對策和建議。上市公司過度盈余管理將導致會計信息失真,從而對證券市場資源優化配置產生負面影響。

There s no need to poke into the neighbors business and even share their garbage , negative sometimes mostly untruthful information , dragging each other down . what s the use 沒有必要去刺探別人的事情,更何況還散播別人的垃圾及負面的事情,那些往往都是不真實的資訊,而且只會把彼此拖累下去,有什么用呢?

Clear provisions are stated in the mro and the code of practice to prohibit medical practitioners from providing untruthful information to the public 《醫生注冊條例》及專業守則皆已載有清楚條文,禁止醫生向公眾人士提供不真確的資料。

Protect the public from misleading or untruthful health claims through amendments to the undesirable medical advertisement ordinance 修訂《不良醫藥廣告條例》 ,保障市民免受失實或誤導的療效聲稱影響。

Accepting an advantage as reward for processing various untruthful applications e . g . false claims of overtime or sick leave ; or -因收取利益而辦理各種失實申請(例如虛報超時工作或病假等) ;或

Give credit to whatever she said ; when they appears really untruthful , turn to her for a good communication 相信她的每一句話,如果實在離譜,找個機會在好好溝通。

I know he is untruthful , but , at the same time , i must admit he is a good worker 我知道他不老實,然而我必須承認他是位優秀的勞工。

In fact , however , it is the untruthful thought which is the more vicious of the two 然而事實上,這兩者中更為惡毒的是虛偽的思想。

The whole batch becomes greedy and untruthful 整群人都變得貪婪和不誠實。

In fact , however , it is the untruthful thought which is the more vicious of the two .. 然而事實上,這兩者中更為惡毒的是虛偽的。

He thinks ideas make people untruthful . 他認為動腦筋會使人們不誠實。