
untenable adj.1.維持[支持]不住的;(論點等)站不住的。2....


Logic suggests that it shouldn ' t be employed with tight man - marking for central defenders , as it will put the player with high closing down / tight man instructions marking in an untenable position , in that he is supposed to stay with his man but also close down a different player who has the ball and has got past the midfield line 邏輯上講,這不適用于緊盯人的中衛,因為它會讓有高逼搶和盯人指令的球員處于左右為難的境地,盯人指令要求球員緊跟所盯對象,而逼搶又要它逼搶一個有球的另一名剛過中線的對手。

Cryptic species have been found in a wide range of marine organisms ; with majority of them are benthic invertebrates . in contrast , marine holoplanktons are thought to have lower diversity and slow speciation due to their strong dispersal potential . this paper reviewed studies on cryptic species and speciation in marine holoplankton . based on findings in 38 studied taxa , it was concluded that : 1 ) cryptic species are pervasive in marine holoplankton , suggesting holoplankton speciation was more active than previously thought ; 2 ) current morphospecies diversity is untenable to reflect true species diversity in marine holoplankton ; 3 ) geographic isolation may facilitate cryptic speciation of marine holoplankton . however , contribution of allopatric speciation is still questionable ; 4 ) ecological speciation may be the prevailing speciation mode in marine holoplankton . cryptic speciation in marine holoplankton is paradoxical , because rapid speciation under strong gene flow is countertuitive . solution of this paradox will help us gain deep insights of marine speciation and biodivesity 隱種廣泛存在于各類海洋生物中,尤其是底棲無脊椎動物.然而,海洋終生浮游生物由于具有較強的擴散能力,往往被視為生物多樣性低、物種形成慢.本文就海洋終生浮游生物隱種與物種形成的研究作一綜述.基于研究的38個種類,結果表明: 1 )海洋終生浮游生物普遍存在隱種,其物種形成要比想象得快; 2 )由于引種的廣泛存在,形態種生物多樣性無法反映海洋終生浮游生物真正的物種多樣性; 3 )地理隔離有助于海洋終生浮游生物隱種的形成,但異域物種形成的作用仍值得商榷; 4 )生態物種形成很可能是海洋終生浮游生物物種形成的主流模式.海洋終生浮游生物強基因流下快速的物種形成有悖于生物進化常理,解決該悖論將有助于我們對海洋物種形成和生物多樣性的理解

Trust interests losses is like that : because of one side ' s false action in concluding a treaty which makes contract invalid or untenable and all kinds of fees and other losses ca n ' t be compensated of fault in concluding a treaty can take place in the course of concluding a treaty or after the contract taking effect 3 ) the side who breaks the previous contract obligation makes mistakes 信賴利益損失,是指因另一方的締約過失行為而使合同不能成立或無效,導致信賴人所支付的各種費用和其他損失不能得到彌補。締約過失上的損失既可發生于締約過程中,也可發生于合同有效成立后。 ( 3 )違反先合同義務的一方有過錯。

The initiative was also a response to reduced faculty budget and the number of student places over the past five years , which had lead to a situation where a number of departments in the faculty had only 3 to 4 teachers . with a heavy administrative workload on top of their teaching and research commitments , this situation was untenable in the long run 這項行動同時是為了因應過去五年學院備受削資及學額減少,個別部門的教學人員數目因而只得三至四位的情況;長遠來說,教學人員難以在教學及研究工作之上,再承擔沈重的行政工作。

It was first posed by yelin , a famous german jurist in 1861 when he published an article , “ fault in concluding a treaty : the compensatory responsibility of invalid contract and untenable contract “ in the fourth issue of “ annals of yelin ' s science of law , “ whose chief editor was himself . in this article he systematically and deeply analyzed t he theory of responsibility for fault in concluding a treaty . he thought that under the condition that the contract is invalid or untenable , we should resolve issues according to contract law 締約過失責任理論起源于羅馬法的誠信訴訟和誠信契約,最早由德國著名法學家耶林于1861年在其主編的《耶林法學年報》第4期上發表的《締約上過失:契約無效與不成立之賠償責任》一文中對締約過失責任作了系統而深入的分析,認為在契約無效或不成立情況下,應依合同法來解決,從而推翻了實證法學的無契約即無責任立論,被譽為“法學上的發現” 。

And his position appeared to become untenable when team boss ron dennis revealed that alonso had threatened to give emails , proving that the team knew about technical secrets leaked to the team ' s chief designer mike coughlan , to the fia 當車隊經理羅恩?丹尼斯透露阿隆索曾經威脅說要將能證明車隊獲悉了從車隊首席設計師麥克?考夫蘭那里泄露的技術信息的電子郵件交給國際汽聯之時,阿隆索在車隊的位置變得難以維系。

There is no institution for whose history i have a deeper admiration ; but i cannot honestly be ordained her minister , as my brothers are , while she refuses to liberate her mind from an untenable redemptive theolatry 再也沒有一種制度的歷史能使我有比它更深的敬愛了可是,在她還沒有把她的思想從奉神贖罪的不堪一擊的信念中解放出來,我不能像我兩個哥哥一樣,真正接受教職做她的牧師。 ”

Adin martin has called on both spain and europe to multiply their efforts in the face of what he calls an untenable emergency situation , which he said is a problem not only of his community , but also of spain , and of europe 愛丁?馬汀呼吁西班牙和歐洲在面對他稱作“無法抵御的緊急形勢”時聯合力量,這種形勢不僅對于他所在的社會群體,而且對于西班牙乃至歐洲都是一個問題。

Previous explanations of the rising divorce rate in china are simply untenable . the fact is that many marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands 以前對中國離婚率升高的解釋是完全站不住腳的。事實是許多婚姻僅僅建立在便利的基礎上,而且妻子不再愿意接受丈夫作威作福的態度。

The idea that websites can be regulated like broadcasters , which are required to keep strict records of what they show in order to help watchdogs investigate complaints , is untenable 像規范廣播公司那樣來規范網站,要求嚴格保留他們所有的播放記錄以供監管機構調查那些不滿意見的想法更本就站不住腳。

This paper discusses some questions about “ rediscussing the date , quality and related issues of the zhengzhou shang city ” , and argues that the point of view on ao capital untenable 本文對《再論鄭州商城的年代、性質及相關問題》中的幾個問題進行了商榷,認為鄭州商城?都說是站不住腳的。

Where the department for the administration of patent work considers that the reason for suspension given by the respondent is obviously untenable , it may refuse to suspend the disposal 管理專利工作的部門認為被請求人提出的中止理由明顯不能成立的,可以不中止處理。

Experiments with entangled pairs of particles have amply confirmed these quantum predictions , thus rendering local realistic theories untenable 對處于量子糾纏態的一對粒子所進行的實驗已經充分的證實了量子理論的預言,因此實在定域性假設是站不住腳的。

He moved on in silence , as if his energies were benumbed by the hitherto undreamt - of possibility that his position was untenable 他默默地走著,仿佛從來沒有夢想到自己的信仰有可能堅持不住,想到這一點,他就變得麻木了。

Even agnostics , who claim to have no opinion on god , may be persuaded that their position is an untenable waffle 即便是對上帝之存在不置可否的不可知論者,也可能會被說服,認為他們所持的觀點是站不住腳的胡言亂語。

And now the people reports lippi is the man wanted by the chelsea hierarchy if mourinho ' s position becomes untenable 現在《人物》報道里皮被切爾西高層選定,如果穆里尼奧的位置出現問題。

Anyhow , the author thinks that the proposition of “ the architecture is one kind of language ” is untenable 但不論怎樣, “建筑是一種語言”的命題并不能成立。

This process is worth examining because up until a few years ago it would have been untenable 這一過程是值得研究的,因為直到幾年以前這一過程還不是很過硬。

But for business - critical functions , abrupt abandonment for non - performance is untenable 但是,對于企業關鍵的功能,由于非性能原因突然舍棄是站不住腳的。