
tyr n.【北歐神話】戰神蒂爾。


The change of agglutinating activity , cd spectrum and fls of lra in different temperature , ph and different chemicals indicated that lra had partial hemagglutinating activity at ph2 . 0 ( 50 % ) , a temperature above 100 ( 60 % ) and after modified by n - bromosuccinimide ( mbs ) , the activity lost completely , modified by depc , the lra had a little activity , the other groups modified such as arg , tyr , glu , asp did n ' t effect the hemagglutinating activity of lra . the result indicated that trp residues were essential to the hemagglutinating activity and were involved in carbohydrate - binding site 研究不同溫度、 ph和基團特異性化學修飾后lra凝血活性和促淋巴細胞有絲分裂的變化、圓二色譜和熒光光譜的變化,當溫度達80以上時,活性開始下降,到100時活性有60 %保留:當ph為2時,活性保留50 % , ph為4一12對活性的影響不大;用nbs修飾trp后, t即的旦一叫睬基的破壞使活性完全喪失,表明trp對凝血活性是至關重要的, arg 、 tyr 、 glu 、 asp被修飾后, lra的凝血活性并未受到大的影響,但tyr修飾后lra的促有絲分裂活性降低

It was several hours after friday came back to me , before they came back to their boat ; and we could hear the foremost of them long before they came quite up , calling to those behind to come along , and could also hear them answer and complain , how lame and tyr d they were , and not able to - come any faster , which was very welcome news to us 星期五他們回來好幾小時后,那批人才回到了他們小船停泊的地方。我們老遠就能聽到走在頭里的幾個向掉在后面的幾個大聲呼喚著,要他們快點跟上。又聽到那后面的幾個人一面答應著,一面叫苦不迭,說他們又累又腳痛,實在走不快了。

The fluorescence spectrum ( fls ) of lra excited at 280nm and 295nm showed a maximum peak at 338nm . the characteristic peak of tyr did not exist , and it showed that the fluorescence energy of tyr was transformed to trp and strength the fluorescence of trp . when lra was excited at 295nm , the fls showed a maximum peak at 338nm , the max of fluorescence emission spectrum blue - shifted more than 10nm compared with the max of free tyr ( 348nm ) Lra的熒光光譜研究表明在激發光波長為280nm時,其最大熒光發射峰在338nm處,熒光光譜未見有酪氨酸( tyr )殘基的發射峰,表明tyr殘基的熒光基本上通過能量轉移到trp上,使熒光強度增強,在激發光譜為295nm時,其最大熒光發射峰338nm ,比游離trp的最大熒光發射峰( 348lun )藍移了近10nln ,說明trp周圍的極性較弱,處于疏水的微環境。

In the mean time , friday and the captain s mate so well manag d their business with the rest , that they drew them by hollowing and answering , from one hill to another , and from one wood to another , till they not only heartily tyr d them but left them , where they were very sure they could not reach back to the boat , before it was dark ; and indeed they were heartily tyr d themselves also by the time they came back to us 與此同時,星期五和大副也把對付其余幾個人的任務完成得很出色。他們一邊喊,一邊應,把他們從一座小山引向另一座小山,從一片樹林引向另一片樹林,不但把那批人搞得筋疲力竭,而且把他們引得很遠很遠,不到天黑他們是絕不可能回到小船上來的。不用說,就是星期五他們自己,回來時也已勞累不堪了。

After i got to shore and had escap d drowning , instead of being thankful to god for my deliverance , having first vomited with the great quantity of salt water which was gotten into my stomach , and recovering my self a little , i ran about the shore , wringing my hands and beating my head and face , exclaiming at my misery , and crying out , i was undone , undone , till tyr d and faint i was forc d to lye down on the ground to repose , but durst not sleep for fear of being devour d 例如,我在日記中一定會這樣寫: “九月三十日,我沒被淹死,逃上岸來,吐掉了灌進胃里的大量海水,略略蘇醒了過來。這時,我非但不感謝上帝的救命之恩,反而在岸上胡亂狂奔,又是扭手,又是打自己的頭和臉,大叫大嚷自己的不幸,不斷地叫嚷著我完了,我完了!直至自己精疲力盡,才不得不倒在地上休息,可又不敢入睡,唯恐被野獸吃掉。

Oxygen - evolving psil core complexes treated with hydrophilic crosslinker edc showed a little change in the microenvironments of tyr and trp residues . however , oxygen - evolving psil core complexes treated with hydrophobic crosslinkers such as dcc , hmdi , egs , and dtsp showed a distinctly change in both the microenv Egs 、 dtsp對psll放氧核心復合物蛋白質中tyr 、 trp微環境和682urn處葉綠素熒光影響大,可能它們參與了psll放氧核心復合物內部的蛋白疏水區域交聯。

Amnio acids could promote cac2o4 to crystallize on the ca2 + - rich ( 101 ) axis of com when negative charges were taken on their surfaces . trp , tyr and asp could promote orientation growth of ( 101 ) face of com more and more easily 而當其表面帶負電荷時,則能促進com的( i0l )面生長,且caczo ;沿該面取向生長的程度隨色氨酸一酪氨酸~天冬氨酸而增強。

Construction of a single - lane road bridge of 70 m in length across the san tin eastern main drainage channel stemdc connecting an existing unnamed road along the eastern side of stemdc near the vha and tyr 興建長70米并橫跨新田東面主要排水道的單線行車道路橋,以連接沿該主要排水道東面近車輛輪候區的現有未命名道路與淳裕路

Mutant gene affected m - centrin propertities . from uv different spectrum , we know that there are fine absorption of tyr and trp apart from those of phe 實驗表明:從紫外吸收圖譜看,突變之后的中心蛋白中除了苯丙氨酸的精細結構外還有酪氨酸和色氨酸的吸收峰。

The experiments suggested that trp , tyr , asp or prote in containing these amino acids in human body may promote the formation of urinary stone 上述實驗表明人體中的色氨酸、酪氨酸,特別是天冬氨酸或者是包含有這些氨基酸的蛋白質可以促進尿結石的生成。

Objective : to evaluate the penetrating effect of ruyanqing , a traditional chinese veterinary compound coating agent ( tyr ) , on the mammary skin in . dairy cattle in vitro 摘要目的:評價中善藥復方涂膜劑乳炎清于奶牛乳房皮膚的透皮效果。

These changes were relevant to the concentration , the hydrophilic or hydrophobic nature and the length of arm spacers of crosslinker 親水性edc對psll的蛋白質中tyr和trp殘基所處微環境的影響較小;而親脂性dcc 、 hmdi

David : maybe you ' ve been looking for too many home building contracts . why don ' t you tyr bidding for public facility contracts 大衛:或許是你以前承包太多的主宰建設工程.你何不去試試投標公開工程

Can link with tyr , thus results in prion ' s aggregation with the extension of the reaction chain 可與正常tyr殘基發生交聯反應,隨著反應鏈的延伸,最終導致prion的聚集沉淀。

By calculations , we find that the reaction between tyr 但通過量子化學計算我們發現,該交聯反應中,因g 0 ,所以tyr