
typhoon n.臺風。


Typhoon durian kills 146 in eastern philippines 臺風“榴蓮”在菲律賓東部造成146人喪生

After the rampage of the typhoon , the sun shines even brighter 臺風過后陽光更燦爛了

Off - duty officer stays on job during typhoon 臺風期間幸得下班職員留守應變

Typhoon wanda , 1 september 1962 at 5 : 00 a . m 臺風溫黛1962年9月1日上午5時正

The navy rescued forty people in the typhoon 海軍在臺風天時救了四十個人。

Our electricity shut down due to the typhoon 我們的電力因為臺風而中斷了。

Bio - remediation in the sam ka tsuen typhoon shelter 三家村避風塘的生化處理

B : yes , and i heard that a typhoon is coming soon 是啊!我聽說臺風很快就會登陸了。

Every preparation was being made to meet the typhoon 每一項準備是用來去應付?風的。

Many airplane flights were cancelled because of the typhoon 許多班機因臺風而取消。

Typhoon elsie , 14 october 1975 at 1 : 00 a . m 臺風愛茜1975年10月14日上午1時正

Relief efforts in formosa after typhoon toraji 福爾摩沙桃芝臺風救援綜合報導

The tv news warned us of the coming typhoon 電視新聞警告我們要防范即將來襲的臺風。

Ever since i fought louis “ typhoon “ johnson . . 從我和“臺風”路易斯強森. .

Typhoon signal no . 3 red and black rainstorm warning 三號風球紅色及黑色暴雨警告訊號

The characteristics of bilis typhoon with double - eye structure 臺風的雙眼結構特征

Typhoon ellen , 9 september 1983 at 3 : 06 a . m 臺風愛倫1983年9月9日上午3時06分

The sky began lightening up after the typhoon passed 臺風過后,天空開始晴朗起來。

Scattering of the cloud or raindrop and typhoon radar 云雨滴的散射與臺風雷達