
typeface 鉛字面,鉛字印出的字樣。


These days , legibility research tends to be limited to critical issues , or the testing of specific design solutions ( for example , when new typefaces are developed ) 現今的易讀性研究基本上僅限于某些關鍵性事務,或是某些特定設計方案的測試(如開發某種新字型時) 。

So - called faithfully express the meaning of original text , should point the typeface meaning , image meaning of faithful expression original text and implicit meaning is 3 所謂忠實表達原文的意義,應指忠實表達原文的字面意義、形象意義和隱含意義三個方面。

French awnings are the best decorations of doors and windows . they prevent rain and water from seeping . you may also add typefaces and patterns on the canvas 方角型活動遮陽篷,適合安裝于門口窗口位,可防止下雨時門窗滲水或可在帆布上加上字體圖案。

When you make a typeface based on the broad nip , horizontal and vertical flipping will disturb the angle of your contrast , and will destroy your shape 如果你使用基于拉伸、擠壓、水平或垂直鏡像的造字方法,都會影響字體粗細對比的角度,破壞字體的形狀。

Signs in the art of typeface design element of a pictorial image of the cow , make it clearer to send the industry attributes and brand personality traits 標志以藝術設計的字體元素加入了牛的圖案形象,使之簡潔清晰的傳達出行業的屬性及品牌的個性特征。

For a text typeface the ascender height should be as big or , even better , bigger than then cap height to give a optical pleasurable result ( see drawing ) 對一個正文字體來說,上伸部最好是和大寫高度一樣(或者更高一些更棒) ,以獲得良好的視覺效果。

I learned about serif and san serif typefaces , about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations , about what makes great typography great 我學習細體和燈芯體,學習在字母組合之間變換著間距,學習優美字體之所以優美的原因。

Second , in lots of typefaces the capitals are not designed and spaced to work together , but to be followed by a lowercase character 其次,大部分字體中的大寫,根本就不是為大寫連排而設計的,它們的大寫字母間距是為后面跟隨小寫字母而設計的。

Second , in lots of typefaces the capitals are not designed and spaced to work together , but to be followed by a lowercase character 其次,大量的字體中的大寫,根本就不是為大寫連排而設計的,它們的大寫字母間距是為后面跟隨小寫字母而設計的。

You can change the font colors and sizes , typefaces , and background color settings associated with topics microsoft document explorer , as needed 需要時,可以更改與microsoft文檔資源管理器主題相關聯的字體顏色和大小、字樣及背景色設置。

The actual shape ( typeface ) attribute ( the z axis ) is for differences of type design ( the actual shape used in imaging ) of each variant form 實用形(字樣)特質( z軸)表示的是某一字的某一變體在具體字樣(字型)中形態上的差異。

Never forget that you are using a different font every time you change the size , style ( bold , italics , underlining , . . . ) , typeface , or color 問題在于藍色和紅色之間的對比度不夠以便于閱讀,相反地,藍色和白色之間對比卻很鮮明。

In the days of letterpress and phototypesetting , many of the most - commonly used typefaces were available in a “ display face “ variation 在凸版印刷和照相制版的時代,許多最常用的字體都包含一種叫做“特排字體”的變體。

Article 17 the characters printed on the seals shall be the simplified characters promulgated by the state council with the font of song typeface 十七、印章所刊漢字,應當使用國務院公布的簡化字,字體為宋體。

2 additional typeface “ kai “ and “ hei “ is also added to the package . another typeface “ fangsong “ is in the project plan 新年,正好是失戀之時,為了忘記悲傷,所以就立心花時間弄好這東東,好讓各位享用。

B : then you have to go into a different screen . click onto the icon here in the corner . that ' ll show you the available typefaces 那你還得進入另一屏。點這個角上的圖標,它會給你列出所有可供選擇的字體。

Then you have to go into a different screen . click onto the icon here in the corner . that ' ll show you the available typefaces 那你還得進入另一屏。點這個角上的圖標,它會給你列出所有可供選擇的字體。

For example , column 1 might specify the caption location , column 2 the caption typeface , and column 3 the caption style 例如,第1列可以是標題位置,第2列可以是標題字體,而第3列則是標題風格。

Information technology - font information interchange - part 1 : architecture - amendment 1 : typeface design grouping 信息技術.字型信息交換.第1部分:結構.修改件1 .鉛字面設計分類