
twenty-five 【橄欖球、曲棍球】距(球門)25碼界線(以內)。


“that is one advantage of woman,“ she told herself, “after twenty-five they gloss over their birthdays like improprieties. “ “這倒是婦女的一種有利條件,”她對自己說,“過了二十五歲,她們就象掩飾一種不正當的行為一樣來掩飾自己的生日。”

The bus upriver must have left five minutes ago and of course she wouldn't hang around there for twenty-five more minutes waiting for the next one . 駛往上游的公共汽車準在五分鐘前開走了,她當然不會在那兒逗留二十五分鐘等下班車。

Occasionally, if he were flush, he gave her thirty-five. but these occasions by no means balanced those when he gave her twenty-five . 偶爾,手頭寬裕的話,他就給她三十五先令。不過這種情況并不多,更多地是只給她二十五個先令。

Women of fifty have an irritating habit of treating as contemporaries all persons of their own sex who are over twenty-five . 上了50歲的女人有一種惱人的習慣,她們把所有年逾25歲的與自己同性別的人當作同輩看待。

Considerably more than half of those who moved into the cities went to places populated by twenty-five thousand people and upwards . 搬到城市里去的人當中,有一大半前往有兩萬五千人以上人口的地方居住。

Our weakness, slowness, lack of grip and drive are very apparent on the background of what was done twenty-five years ago . 和二十五年前的事相比較,我們顯然是很軟弱,行動遲緩并缺乏活力和猛干的精神。

The important thing now was to make him give her twenty-five or thirty dollars wherewith to bind this wonderful agreement . 目前重要的是要他拿出二十五或三十美元來,以便落實這絕妙的協議。

The width of the continent might have spread between her and home instead of twenty-five miles of dusty road . 她跟家里相隔只有二十五哩路,卻仿佛覺得隔著一個大洲一般。

Ignace found in his letter box a soiled folded paper containing kessler's twenty-five dollars . 伊格內斯在他的信箱里發現一張折起來的臟紙,里面夾著凱斯勒的25美元。

By 1980, twenty-five nutrition and feeding programs were operating at a total cost of $ 8. 8 million . 到1980年,共實行了二十五種營養飲食規劃,總費用880萬美元。

He got off and stretched himself luxuriously, for he had ridden some twenty-five good miles . 他下了馬,舒舒服服伸了個懶腰,因為足足騎了有二十五英里路了。

The rent might cost twenty-five to fifty pounds an hour, or more, depending on the computer . 租金每小時可能是25到50英磅,或者更多些,這要看計算機而定。

It offered twenty-five miles per gallon in city driving and forty-one on the highway . 它在市區內的路上,每加侖汽油可以跑25英里,在公路上則可跑41英里。

At twenty-five he won a three-mile steeple-chase against the most rugged competitor . 在二十五歲的時候,他在三哩越野比賽中戰勝了最強壯的競爭對手。

Naples, with its immediate suburbs, contains six hundred and twenty-five thousand inhabitants . 那不勒斯連同近郊,人口共計六十二萬五千。

One day her class of twenty-five were having a delicious history lesson . 她的班上有二十五位同學,一天正在上一堂有趣的歷史課。

You may have passed him on the street a hundred times during the twenty-five years . 25年來你可能在大街上遇到他成百次。

For the past twenty-five years, i have been a competitor of chrysler . 在過去25年里,我一直是克萊斯勒的一個競爭對手。

I have a new hat that i bought for twenty-five cents at the post office . 我花了25美分在郵局買了一頂新帽子。