
turd n.〔俗〕糞塊。


The horse , having reached the end of his tether , so to speak , halted , and , rearing high a proud feathering tail , added his quota by letting fall on the floor , which the brush would soon brush up and polish , three smoking globes of turds 那匹馬走到繃得緊緊的韁繩盡端姑且這么說,停了下來,高高地甩起高傲而毛茸茸的尾巴。為了在即將被刷凈打磨光的路面添加上自己的一份,就拉了三泡冒熱氣的糞便。

People say the lord works in mysterious ways . as if that makes all the crummy things in life any sweeter . death is equally mysterious , but there ' s no sugar - coating that turd 人們說上帝做事情都很神秘。就好像那樣做可以讓一切骯臟的事情變得甜美。死亡也是一樣的神秘,但是卻沒有糖衣將這臭物包裹。

The hunt is on for a turd burglar . police in san diego are searching for a gunman who swiped a bag of poop from a woman out walking her dog 捉拿便便賊的行動已展開。圣地牙哥警方正在追緝一名持槍男子,他從一名外出遛狗的女子那里搶了一袋狗大便。

Tell her to tell her boss to tell the turd the dentist won ' t see his son anymore 讓她轉告他老板,在讓她老板轉告那個賤人牙醫再也不給布魯諾看牙了

Open my gut now , they ' d find turds stacked up like little black twigs , 要是打開我的腸子,會發現堆得像小樹枝一樣整整齊齊的大便

Open my gut now , they ' d find turds stacked up like little black twigs 要是打開我的腸子,會發現堆得像小樹枝一樣整整齊齊的大便

People are such turds 人們有時候很可恥

- what are you , the brotherhood of the turd ? - excuse her , she ' s a bit upset -你是什么,超級賤人? -不好意思,他太傷心了

What are you , the brotherhood of the turd ? - excuse her , she ' s a bit upset 你是什么,超級賤人? -不好意思,他太傷心了

- and yet they hover around him like little flies on a giant turd 現在他們圍繞在他周圍就像一群蒼蠅在一堆大便上一樣

I didn ' t call you a turd 我不是說你是賤人

And yet they hover around him like little flies on a giant turd 現在他們圍繞在他周圍就像一群蒼蠅在一堆大便上一樣

And cucuy , greedy turd that he is , ratted me out and has disappeared 還有科庫伊,這個貪婪的騙子,現在也失蹤了

Wrong , turd bird . it ' s mine 錯了,混蛋,是我的

Where do all them turds go ? i mean , they got to be somewhere 那些狗屎去了哪里?我的意思是,他們肯定到哪里去了

Buy my festering turd of a record 來買我的唱片

I am surrounded by cow turds 我周圍都是一群牛糞。

That equals the worth of a turd 我們希望找到什么?

I ' m still hooked on the turd 我和那賤人還沒擺脫關系