
tuppence n.〔英口〕 = twopence.


This book is dedicated to the many readers in this and other countries who write to me asking : “ what has happened to tommy and tuppence ? what are they doing now ? 這本書是獻給許多這里和國外的朋友們的。他們不斷的寫信問我: “湯米和塔珀絲怎么了?他們現在在做什么? ”

My best wishes to you all , and i hope that you will enjoy meeting tommy and tuppence again , years older , but with spirit unquenched 在此我向大家致意,并且希望你們會喜歡年紀雖長、活力依然旺盛的湯米和塔珀絲!

I don t give tuppence for your love , nor for the man you love 我毫不相信你的愛和你的愛人,我不相信這種胡言亂語。 ”

Jane is infatuated with stephen but he doesn ' t care tuppence for her 簡迷戀斯蒂芬,可是他對她根本不在乎。

They will clap themselves for gaining tuppence and giving a million away to their enemies . 他們贏了兩個銅板,卻把一百萬都輸了給敵人,還會為此而自鳴得意呢。