
tuberculous adj.1.結節(狀)的。2.結核(性)的;結核病的。


The diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction and the discovery of diffuse leptomeningeal enhancement in the basal cistern with downward extension to the spinal cord was made by magnetic resonance imaging 本患者結核性腦膜炎的確診是經由陽性的結核聚合鏈反應和核磁共振掃描影像發現在基底池有廣泛的軟腦膜顯影并且向下延伸到脊髓。

We described the characteristic features of submandibular tuberculous lymphadenitis in four children who presented with rapidly growing submandibular mass without lung involvement in three boys and combined with pulmonary tuberculosis in one girl 本文提報四例兒童因急性顎下淋巴腺結腫脹來求診而被診斷出顎下淋巴腺結核病,四位病童都無肺結核病史或接觸史。

The existence of generalized lymphadenopathy in association with malnutrition , especially when parents were suffering from tuberculosis , suggests that the pericardial effusion is most probably tuberculous in origin 另外廣泛的淋巴結病變合并營養不良,尤其是其父母有結核感染,提示心包積液很可能是結核病變。

Conclusion the first choice for the treatment of tuberculous tracheal or bronchial stenosis is lobectomy or pneumonectomy with trachial or bronchial plasty surgery 結論對氣管、支氣管結核性狹窄,將狹窄之氣管、支氣管連同受累肺葉一并切除并加氣管或支氣管成形術為首選方式。

Results 79 strains of tuberculous mycobacterium were obtained , drug resistan strains were 45 , the fate of drug resistance was 57 . 0 % ( 45 / 79 ) 采用絕對濃度間接法對1995年1月2004年12月收治的586例軍人結核病患者痰標本進行異煙肼、利福平、鏈霉素及乙胺丁醇四藥的藥敏實驗。

In conclusion , bone scan is a good tool for tuberculous osteomyelitis for defining disease extent , choosing sites for microbiological biopsy analysis and monitoring treatment response 骨骼掃描在結核骨髓炎可用來界定影響范圍、選擇微生物取樣分析部位以及監利治療效果。

Although the diagnosis of tuberculous tenosynovitis was delayed for 3 months , the patient still had a satisfactory result with treatment via adequate surgical debridement and anti - tuberculous therapy 然而經適度的手術及抗結核藥物治療呈現令人滿意的治療結果。

However , that in the tumor - adjacent tissues was 10 ( 2 out of 20 specimens ) and no telomerase activity was observed in 5 tuberculous tissues or cells 對照組:癌旁組織中端粒酶陽性率為10 ( 2 20 ) ,肺結核瘤組織及細胞的端粒酶表達均呈陰性。

Herein , we present the case of a 79 - year - old male with pulmonary tuberculosis and concomitant tuberculous tenosynovitis 在此我們報告一例79歲男性病患同時罹患肺結核合并腕結核性腱鞘炎,結核性腱鞘炎經三個月延遲后才被確認。

The clinical diagnostic value of detection of p - selectin , il - 1 , sfas , sfasl , am in differentiating tuberculous pleural effusions from malignant pleural effusions 選擇素等多項指標檢測在胸腔積液鑒別中的應用價值

However , we present a case of tuberculous meningitis with onset symptoms of complex partial seizure followed by retrograde amnesia 本文報告一位以復雜性局部癲癇和回溯性失憶為初始癥狀的成年結核生腦膜炎患者。

The onset of tuberculous meningitis is usually characterized by sub - acute headache , vomiting , fever , and bursts of irritability 摘要結核性腦膜炎的初始癥狀通常是亞急性的頭痛,嘔吐,發燒,及精神不穩定。

Fiberoptic bronchoscopic interventional therapy of multi - drug resistant caseous tuberculous pneumonia with gel containing drugs 含藥凝膠經纖維支氣管鏡介入治療耐多藥結核性干酪性肺炎

Clinical observation of intrapleural injection of urokinase for patients with encapsulated tuberculous pleural effusion 胸腔內注入尿激酶輔助治療結核性纖維化性胸腔積液的臨床觀察

Abstract : objective to evaluate the role of arthroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of early tuberculous synovitis 文摘:目的探討關節鏡在早期單純滑膜結核診斷和治療中的作用。

The treatment prescription was selected based on the tuberculous complications , and therapeutic effects of antituberculosis 根據結核并發癥、合并癥及抗癆療效決定治療方案。

Onset of the disease coupled with complex partial seizures alone is rarely seen in tuberculous meningitis cases 單以復雜性局部癲癇為初始癥狀在結核性腦膜炎是很少見的。

A 45 - year - old female with a history of tuberculous lymphadenitis received shoulder and sternal mass biopsy 摘要一位有過結核淋巴炎的45歲女性接受肩膀和胸骨腫塊切片。

Objective to evaluate the role of arthroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of early tuberculous synovitis 目的探討關節鏡在早期單純滑膜結核診斷和治療中的作用。