
tuberculate adj.1.有結節的,有小瘤的。2.結核性的,結核病的。...


The morphological characteristics are recognized as 3 types : nearly globe , nearly boat shape and nearly shield shape . the exine ornamentation can be divided into 5 types : reticulate , steiate - veticulate , tuberculate , verrucate and rugose - sinuate . the morphological characteristics show some vaviations among sections and species in terms of the shape of pollen and the exine ornamentation . and thus can be used as one of characters in the consideration of the classification of this genus . ( 4 ) the micromorphology of the seed coats were observed in 13 species ( 4 )所觀察的該屬13種植物的種皮表面紋飾可分為網紋、負網紋和皺波狀三大類,且各個種之間在種皮微形態上均存在著一定差異,可以作為分種的依據;在組間,除屬于有苞組( sect . amana )的t . edulis和其它組的種類有明顯差異外,其余3組之間沒有明顯的界限,說明郁金香屬的種皮微形態特征在組的劃分上意義不大,但在種的劃分上具有一定的分類學意義。

The colpal membrane is nearly smooth but with granular , spinulose or tuberculate protuberances . the pollen grains show great variations between the genera in the tribe hyoscyameae in terms of the presence or absence of the germination aperture and its type , and the exine ornamentation , and thus can be used as important characters in the consideration of the phylogenetic relationship of this tribe 各屬植物的花粉形態在萌發孔的有無、萌發孔的類型和外壁紋飾等方面有較大的差異,可以作為探討屬間分類和系統關系的重要依據c天仙子族植物花粉萌發孔的演化趨勢為:無萌發孔一3 、 4溝一3孔溝。

The seeds of 10 species ( 96 samples ) of the genus schisandra michaux were observed tinder light microscope and scanning election microscope . the results indicate “ that : the macroslructural features of seed surface , including smooth type , rugulose type and tuberculate type , may suggest the evolutionary trend from smooth type to rugulose type , from rugulose type to tuberculate type ; the microstructural features of outer epidermis can be divided into two types , viz . verrucate type and reticulate type 結果表明:該屬的種子宏觀形態呈現平滑、細皺紋或瘤狀突起,并認為五味子屬種子形態可能有從平滑到有細皺紋再到有瘤狀突起的演化趨勢;該屬種皮表面微觀形態可分為疣狀突起型(如:大花五味子、北五味子、東亞五味子、狹葉五味子、毛葉五味子、翼梗五味子和二色五味子)和網紋型(如:鐵箍散和重瓣味子) 。

They are globose , subglobose , oblate and prolate in shape . the germination apertures are absent , or present and are irregularly poroid , 3 - colpate , 4 - colpate , 3 - 4 - colpate , pantocolpate and 3 - colporate . the exine ornamentation is spinulose , tuberculate , variously striate , striate - foveolate , striate - reticulate , rugose - sinuate , minutely reticulate and reticulate 條紋網狀、皺波狀、細網狀和網狀c溝膜近光滑、具小顆粒、具小刺狀突起或具瘤狀突起。

Capsule ovoid , 6 - 8 mm long , more or less glandular hairy , coarsely tuberculate ; persistent calyx lobes often revolute and shrinking 蒴果卵圓形,長6 - 8毫米,多少被腺毛,有粗糙的小疣狀凸起;宿存花萼裂片常反卷和皺縮。

Type ii is characterized by having curved - lobate , lobate or tuberculate processes on the perine 類型:周壁具有裂片狀、彎裂片狀或瘤狀突起。