
synge n.1.辛〔姓氏〕。2.John Millington ...


Staying in this 300 - year - old cottage , synge listened to the soft gaelic , wrote down old stories about fairies and sea creatures , sunned himself on top of the ring fort at his doorstep and went out to sea in small curraghs 逗留在這間擁有300年歷史的村舍里,辛格聆聽著輕柔悅耳的蓋爾語,寫下關于精靈與海怪的古老故事,在門口的環形堡壘頂上曬曬太陽,或者坐著小船出海一游。

It was m ir n ' s great - grandparents who looked after the young writer john millington synge ( 1871 ? 1909 ) , when he spent several summers in this thatched cottage 作家約翰?米林頓?辛格( 1871 ? 1909 )年輕時曾在這間茅草屋頂的鄉村小屋里度過幾個夏天,當時照顧他起居的正是瑪伊琳的曾祖父母。

At the time of the gaelic revival , synge explored the soul of ireland , using the islands ' legends and way of speaking in his plays 在蓋爾語復興時期,辛格發掘了愛爾蘭的靈魂,在自己的戲劇中用到了阿倫群島的傳說故事和講話方式。

Synge had come to the arans to overcome his writer ' s block , to connect with the people and find fresh material 辛格造訪阿倫群島是為了突破自己的思維停滯,也是為了融入當地居民和尋找新鮮的寫作素材。

Mournful mummer , buck mulligan moaned . synge has left off wearing black to be like nature “愁眉苦臉的戲子, ”勃克穆利根慨嘆道, “辛格為了活得更自然,不再穿喪服了。

Quickly , warningfully buck mulligan bent down : - the tramper synge is looking for you , he said , to murder you “流浪漢辛格285正在找你哪, ”他說, “好把你宰了。

To be sure , he said , remembering brightly . the chap that writes like synge “沒錯兒, ”他恍然大悟了, “就是寫得像辛格268的那位老兄。 ”

The pigs paper . bullockbefriending . - synge has promised me an article for dana too 辛格也曾答應我,要為達娜雜志179寫篇稿子。

The nobel prize in chemistry : richard laurence millington synge 諾貝爾化學獎-理查德lm辛格

J. l. synge describes the conflict between theory and observation as an interplay between two worlds . 辛格把理論和觀測之間的對立,描述為兩個世界之間的相互作用。