
syndicator n.辛迪加組織者[經營者,參加者]。


This paper puts emphasis on : the free - rider both in value - added and monitoring activities , puts forward that the arrangement of equity can incent the non - lead experienced venture capitalists and mitigate their motivation of free rider , suggests letting syndicators take turns to be the dealer to solve the free rider problem in monitoring activities 本文對聯合投資中的“搭便車”問題分別就提供增值服務和監管進行了分析,提出利用股權激勵有經驗的跟投,減少其“搭便車”的動機;通過“輪流坐莊”的方式解決監管中的“搭便車”問題。

Also grants read , edit , or delete access to each syndicator and subscriber item that you have read , edit , or delete access to 這還授予對您已具有讀取、編輯或刪除訪問權的每個聯合和訂閱項的讀取、編輯或刪除訪問權。

This also grants read access to each syndicator and subscriber item that you have read access to 還授予對您已具有讀訪問權的每個聯合和訂閱項的讀訪問權。

Grants full access to both the syndicators and subscribers views 授予對syndicators和subscribers視圖和相關功能的完全訪問權。

Grants view access to both the syndicators and subscribers views 授予對syndicators和subscribers視圖的查看訪問權。