
sylvester n.西爾威斯特〔男子名〕。


This method can guarantee the solution matrix of sylvester equation to be inverse and the sum of the input gain norm and the observer gain norm is the minimum . for the linear systems with unknown parameters , we identify the parameters using hopfield network , then design the observers using the identified parameters , the exponential convergence of adaptive observer is also proved . for the linear time - varying systems , a new network to solve the time - varying sylvester equation is proposed , we analysis it ' s convergence and robustness , then , deign the linear time - varying observer using this network model , and we discuss the convergence of the observer and ruboustness to unknown match parameters 同時保證了sylvester方程的解矩陣的可逆性和觀測器的增益矩陣與輸入矩陣范數的和最小;在設計線性時不變自適應觀測器時,首先利用系統的輸入、輸出數據設計一個hopfield網絡參數估計器,進一步設計狀態觀測器,證明了參數估計器和狀態觀測器的指數收斂性;為了仍然從神經優化計算的角度設計線性時變系統的狀態觀測器,最后介紹了一種求解時變sylvester矩陣方程的神經網絡模型,分析了它的收斂性和魯棒性,然后利用該網絡設計時變狀態觀測器,進一步討論該觀測器的在系統存在未建模不確定和外部噪聲時的魯棒性;最后給出了一種基于分離性原理和hopfield網絡觀測器的狀態反饋閉環系統的結構,分析了該閉環系統的特點;對于每一種設計方法都給出了相應的數值仿真例子來進一步表明所提方法的可行性和有效性。

The minimal norm solutions of the equation f4 ( x ) = 0 over srmxm are derived , and also the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of and the general expressions of the skew - symmetric solution of the equation f4 ( x ) = 0 are obtained , the related l - s problem f4 ( x ) = min is solved . 5 . the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of and the general expressions of the skew - symmetric solution of the generalized sylvester equation f5 ( x , y ) = 0 are obtained , and the related optimal approximation solution is obtained , too 得到了矩陣方程f _ 4 ( x ) = 0在sr ~ ( m m )上的極小范數解,同時導出了此方程具有反對稱解的充分必要條件和解的通式,解決了相應的l一s問題人( x )二min . 5 .得到了廣義sylvester方程兒( x , y ) = 0具有反對稱最小二乘解的充分必要條件和解的通式以及解的最佳逼近問題的解,導出了幾( x , y )二0具有置換對稱解的充分必要條件,解的通式及解的最佳逼近問題的解

Sylvester equation ax + xb = c plays an important role in many fields . for example , in control theory and in statistics , you will constantly meet such equations . the properties of the solutions of the equation and the methods of solving the equation have been studied extensively Sylvester方程ax + xb = c在許多領域都有重要作用,例如在控制論,在線性統計等領域中就經常需要解這類方程。因此這類方程解的性質及如何求解也就成了許許多多學者研究的重點。

Rocky is planning another comeback . fifteen years after starring in “ rocky v , “ sylvester stallone is reprising his role as the boxing champ in the sixth “ rocky “ movie , publicist michelle bega said monday 現年59歲的美國老牌動作影星西爾威斯特史泰龍將拍攝其經典成名影片洛奇的第6集,他本人還將擔任編劇和導演。

James joseph sylvester “ , , “ geometry may sometimes appear to take the lead over analysis but in fact precedes it only as a servant goes before the master to clear the path and light him on his way . “ , 幾何看來有時候要領先于分析,但事實上,幾何的先行于分析,只不過像一個仆人走在主人的前面一樣,是為主人開路的.

“ it ' s the poop , “ jules sylvester , head animal trainer for the new hollywood movie “ snakes on a plane “ said on monday at a news conference to publicize the film 朱爾斯西爾威斯特是好萊塢新片飛機上的蛇的動物訓練師。他在該片的新聞發布會上說: “最讓人害怕的是蛇的糞便。 ”

“ it ' s the poop , “ jules sylvester , head animal trainer for the new hollywood movie “ snakes on a plane “ said on monday at a news conference to publicize the film 朱爾斯?西爾威斯特是好萊塢新片《飛機上的蛇》的動物訓練師。他在該片的新聞發布會上說: “最讓人害怕的是蛇的糞便。 ”

Balrog looks like a cross between a lion and a merman with red eyes and dreadlocks . he behaves exactly like sylvester , but requires more hits to kill 炎魔巴洛克像獅子與人魚的合體,它有紅色的眼睛和長長的頭發。它的行為方式與西爾維斯特一樣,只不過更具有攻擊性。

“ they will poop everywhere , “ he added . but when snakes are on a movie set , everyone behaves , sylvester said . “ it ' s ideal for the director , “ he said 他補充說: “它們將糞便拉得到處都是。 ”他說,但當它們出現在拍攝地時,每條蛇都表現得很好, “導演對此滿意極了” 。

The example in the end of the article shows that , to the matrices that meet some special conditions , the three methods presented in this article are effective 數值例子表明,對于系數矩陣a , b滿足一定條件的sylvester方程,本文所給出的三種迭代方法是有效的。

In the article , we first change the sylvester equation into ( a in + im bt ) x = c , then we split the coefficient matrix a in + im bt 本文首先將sylvester方程變形成,然后討論對系數矩陣,進行分裂的迭代解法。第二章,討論jacobi迭代格式。

“ they will poop everywhere , “ he added . but when snakes are on a movie set , everyone behaves , sylvester said . “ it ' s ideal for the director , “ he said 他說,但當它們出現在拍攝地時,每條蛇都表現得很好, “導演對此滿意極了” 。

Johnny sylvester , eleven years old , lay in his bed in the hospital with little hope of ever living like other boys 十一歲的喬尼?西爾維斯特躺在醫院的病床上。對重新回到象其他男孩子那樣的生活,他已經不抱什么希望了。

Nick : i guess we should invite him . i just hope he doesn ' t start talking about sylvester stallone and arnold schwarzenegger again 尼克:我想我們應該邀他一起玩。只希望他別又老是席維斯史特龍和阿諾史瓦辛格個沒完。

The main purpose of this article is , after special splitting to the coefficient matrix , using the familiar iterative methods to solve the sylvester equation 本文的主要目的是將三種迭代法應用于求解sylvester方程。

One of the consistent workers in determinant theory over a period of more than fifty years was james joseph sylvester 在50多年內行列式理論的始終不渝的工作者之一是james joseph sylvester 。

Sylvester had already tipped his hand . so when he made the final announcement , it was not much of a surprise 席維斯特已經講明了他的意圖。所以當他最后宣布時,沒有太多人訝異。

On july 6 , 1946 , in manhattan , sylvester enzio stallone was born to a chorine and an italian immigrant 1946年7月6日,他出生在曼哈頓,母親是為歌舞團演員,父親是意大利的僑民。

Nor will sylvester ever be a writer , though his name blaze in 50 , 000 - candle - power red lights 西爾維斯特也永遠成不了作家,盡管他的大名在五百支紅燈的照耀下閃閃發光。