
swoop vi.(鷹)飛下猛撲;突然襲擊 (down; on; u...


The back iegs go “ swoop 后腿出來“撲”

And she was talking so well - swooping with swift wing this way and that 而她卻是那樣健談- -一下子談到東,一下子談到西。

They skim past like boats of papyrus , like eagles swooping down on their prey 26我的日子過去如快船,如急落抓食的鷹。

It ' s iegs come out “ swoop 前腿出來“撲”

Seniors swoop in as young chicks enter their first year in college 小妞們剛開始大學第一年的生活,學長們就乘虛而入。

Against it , parakeets and toucans and blue - winged macaws swoop 晨光下,小鸚鵡、巨嘴鳥和翅膀鮮藍的金剛鸚鵡展翼翱翔。

This hero of the skies is always ready to swoop in for the rescue 這個翱翔天空的英雄時刻準備著撲身而下進行施救。

Zoom , to move about rapidly , swoop 快速移動猛撲

Police made a dawn swoop 警方於拂曉時發動了突襲

Police made a dawn swoop 警方于拂曉時發動了突襲

Sort of a swoop and a cross 那里有一個斜坡和十字狀

The hawk swooped on its prey 那只老鷹俯沖撲向獵物。

But afterwards changed the motionless industry to succeed atone fell swoop 而后來轉向不動產業一舉成功。

She just broke up with the guy , it ' s time for you to swoop in 她剛和那家伙分手。現在你正好乘虛而入!

The bombers swooped on the air base 轟炸機突襲空軍基地。

The robber swooped up the banknotes 劫匪把鈔票一把搶走了

The eagle swooped down on its prey 老鷹向著獵物俯沖下來。

I was dive - bombed by dragonflies , and swooped on by wasps 我受到了蜻蜓的俯沖轟炸,還有黃蜂的飛撲。

Then he swooped her up onto his horse 然后他抱她上了他的馬