
switch n.1.(樹上折下的)細樹枝;軟鞭子;鞭打。2.假發;(...

switch back

It switched to the allies when japan's defeat became inevitable . 當日本的失敗已成定局時它又轉到盟國這邊來。

I have got into the habit of switching on the tv as soon as i get home . 我已養成一到家就打開電視機的習慣。

Their propaganda was peremptorily switched to an anti-western line . 他們的宣傳斷然地轉而持反對西方的路線。

On the front of the cabinet are on-off switches for sample-feed pump . 在箱子的正面有試樣進料泵的電源開關。

She picked up the microphone and began to experiment with the switches . 她拿起話筒,試撥開關,看是否靈驗。

Computers are everywhere now -- our firm is switching over soon . 計算機現已普及我公司亦即將使用。

He flicked a switch . 他扳動開關。

Gretchen had switched targets and he no longer was under attack . 格麗卿轉移了目標,他也不再受攻擊了。

A motorman tried to pry rex's jaws open with a switch rod . 一個司機想用一根開關棒撬開雷克斯的嘴。

He switched off the lamp and gave himself up completely to despair . 他擰滅了燈,完全陷入了絕望。

Well, i'll be switched . 啊,真它媽的。

The switches that hold information are called registers . 用于貯存信息的開關組合叫做“寄存器”。

If a magnetic field is switched on, the symmetry is broken . 如果加上磁場,就破壞了這種對稱性。

There is increasing switch to drip irrigation in all areas . 所有地區轉換成滴灌的趨勢正在增加。

She comes to the hearth, and switches on the electric light there . 她走到壁爐那里,打開電燈。

I was asleep at the switch . 我錯過了時機。

Cut the wire and attach its free ends to a switch . 把導線切開,把斷開的兩端接到一個開關上。

The animals learned to press switch levers with their paws . 動物學習用它們的腳爪撳按開關。

I got an electric shock from that faulty light switch . 那個有毛病的電燈開關把我電了一下。