
sweetheart n. 愛人;情人;十分討人歡喜的人[物]。2.vt.vi...


Sweetheart , you ' re the picture of loneliness 甜心,你成了獨自憔悴的風景了

And his high - school sweetheart is dropping him off at home 他的高中女友正送他回家

With wife , kelly , his high school sweetheart , 還有他的妻子,凱利,他高中時的女朋友

Oh , good , sweetheart , don ' t you feel better 噢,好的,甜心你覺得好些了么?

You favour your left , sweetheart , so i ' ll cover right 你最喜歡左邊了那我就打右邊

Your mother used to call your father “ sweetheart . 你媽媽過去稱你爸爸“甜心”

No , sweetheart , both my boys are gorgeous 不是的,親愛的,你們倆都是我英俊的兒子

No , sweetheart ! please . please don ' t do it to me 別,親愛的,別請別這樣對我

- is that chicken bits ? - no , sweetheart , that ' s pate -那是雞塊嗎-不,那是帕特

We made you a cake . thankyou , sweetheart 我們給你做了一個蛋糕謝謝你們,寶貝

Don ' t get hysterical on us , sweetheart , all right 別發神經病,親愛的,好么?

Your high school sweetheart got drunk at party 你高中時的戀人在一次聚會上喝醉了

- sweetheart , there ' s no cider , - that ' s for you , -親愛的,沒有蘋果酒了-這是給你的

Is she your buddy friend or sweetheart friend 他是你的普通朋友還是男女朋友?

I asked my sweetheart , “ what lies ahead 我問我的愛人“將來會發生什么事? ”

Is she your buddy friend or sweetheart friend 他是你的哥兒們的朋友還是男女朋友。

Hey . how ' s the harvard sweetheart ? - divine 好啊,你的哈佛男友怎么樣? -可愛極了

She is betrothed to her childhood sweetheart 她已跟那青梅竹馬的男朋友訂了婚。

What a sweetheart . - here you are . enjoy your stay 你人真好-給你,祝你們愉快