
rushlight 燈心草蠟燭;黯淡的亮光;微光;微弱的知識;微不足道的人。


The moccoli , or moccoletti , are candles which vary in size from the pascal taper to the rushlight , and which give to each actor in the great final scene of the carnival two very serious problems to grapple with , - first , how to keep his own moccoletto alight ; and secondly , how to extinguish the moccoletti of others 長生燭,實際上就是蠟燭,最大的如復活節有的細蠟燭,最小的如燈心燭,這是狂歡節最后的一個節目,凡是參加這個大場面的演員,要做兩件那些相反的事:一保住自己的長生燭不熄滅,二熄滅他人的長生燭。

The next day commenced as before , getting up and dressing by rushlight ; but this morning we were obliged to dispense with the ceremony of washing ; the water in the pitchers was frozen 第二天開始了,同以前一樣,穿衣起身還是借著燈草芯蠟燭的微光,不過今天早晨不得不放棄洗臉儀式了,因為罐里的水都結了冰。

When i again unclosed my eyes , a loud bell was ringing ; the girls were up and dressing ; day had not yet begun to dawn , and a rushlight or two burned in the room 我再次睜開眼睛時,只聽見鈴聲喧嚷,姑娘們已穿衣起身。天色未明,房間里燃著一兩支燈心草蠟燭。