
ruse n.策術,謀略,陰謀詭計。


It was very fetching to make the girl propose in the course of being reunited , and martin discovered , bit by bit , other decidedly piquant and fetching ruses . but marriage bells at the end was the one thing he could take no liberties with ; though the heavens rolled up as a scroll and the stars fell , the wedding bells must go on ringing just the same 在雙方團圓的過程中由女方追求更為動人,馬丁一點一滴地發現了許多能吊人胃口引人入勝的竅門但結尾時的婚禮鐘聲是絕對不能更改的,哪怕天空像卷軸一樣卷了起來,星星漫天散落,婚禮的鐘聲也必須響起。

The word “ strategy “ , came from military , means the battle ruse . in english , “ strategy “ originated greece “ stratagia “ , in archaic greece military literature , it means “ effectively implement resource to destroy the enemy “ plan “ 戰略一詞,原為軍事用語,意為作戰的謀略。在英文中,戰略strategy來源于希臘語stratagia ,在古希臘軍事著作中,其意思是“有效利用資源以摧毀敵人的規劃” 。

This period invite shanghai to love a foreign language especially designedly prexy , special of limited company of management of sweetheart power resource why general manager teachs you ruse of duty of day desire to gain , infiltrate successfully day of look forward to is in - house 本期特意邀請上海特愛外語學院院長、特愛人力資源治理有限公司的何總經理教您日企求職謀略,成功打入日企內部。

Practically speaking , this means that only parents can make deposits or withdrawals , but parents should process withdrawal requests when asked or the kids will assume that the bank is a ruse for not letting them get at their own money (實際上,這意味著只有家長能夠存款或取款,但家長應該按要求處理取款請求,否則小孩會以為銀行是一個不讓他們拿到自己錢的騙子。 )

Cyber scams are increasingly being committed by organised crime syndicates out to profit from sophisticated ruses rather than hackers keen to make an online name for themselves , according to a top u . s . official 據美國官方報導,網絡黑客已經越來越頻繁且越來越組織化,他們不在只是為了為炫耀自己的網絡技術,而是為了牟取利益而與企業合作從事網絡犯罪

Cyber scams are increasingly being committed by organised crime syndicates out to profit from sophisticated ruses rather than hackers keen to make an online name for themselves , according to a top u . s . official 按照美國最高官方的說法:由于通過精密的詭計合作犯罪來盈利的行為的數量超過了黑客渴望通過網絡來成名的行為網絡犯罪的數量飛速增長。

Seeing that the ruse worked and the coast was clear , they left the shelter or shanty together and the lite society of oil skin and company whom nothing short of an earthquake would move out of their dolce far niente 他們看到計策奏效,時機成熟,就一道離開了那座馬車夫歇腳的棚屋或下等酒館,告別了聚在那里的身著防水服的名流269人士。

Cyber scams are increasingly being committed by organised crime syndicates out to profit from sophisticated ruses rather than hackers keen to make an online name for themselves , according to a top u . s . official 據一名美國高官稱,網絡犯罪越來越多地出自用高超的騙術謀人錢財的有組織犯罪集團之手,而不是那些渴望在網上出名的黑客所為。

Cyber scams are increasingly being committed by organised crime syndicates out to profit from sophisticated ruses rather than hackers keen to make an online name for themselves , according to a top u . s . official 據美國官方稱有組織的犯罪團伙利用越來越多的網絡騙局并從這些預謀以久的騙術中獲利,而不是只熱衷于能在網上留名的黑客。

Cyber scams are increasingly being committed by organised crime syndicates out to profit from sophisticated ruses rather than hackers keen to make an online name for themselves , according to a top u . s . official 據美國一高官稱,網絡犯罪越來越呈現出有組織的集團犯罪,他們通過精密的策劃斂財,不象黑客們僅是急于在網絡上一舉成名

Cyber scams are increasingly being committed by organised crime syndicates out to profit from sophisticated ruses rather than hackers keen to make an online name for themselves , according to a top u . s . official 美國官方稱,越來越多的有組織犯罪集團通過復雜的騙術實施網絡詐騙,超過了僅僅熱衷于讓自己在網上成名的黑客。

In traditional culture of our country , there are many management theory , method and working ruse , all that are needed - alimentation that we build up modem enterprise culture 摘要在我國的傳統文化中,有著極為豐富的管理理論、方法以及經營的謀略,這些東西是我們建立現代企業文化必須吸收的營養。

She saw more clearly than mignon ; it was stupid in him to have wished to begin the jonquier ruse a second time - those dodgers never succeeded twice running . well , so much the worse for him 她比米尼翁看得清楚,想把對付戎基埃的故伎重演,是很愚蠢的,這些把戲只能演一次,兩次就不靈了。

Furthermore , we design model transform ruses according to pim and j2ee platform character , which describe how to transform a pim to a platform specific model ( psm ) 然后根據平臺無關模型及j2ee平臺特征設計模型轉換規則,描述如何把平臺無關模型轉換為加入了j2ee平臺信息的平臺相關模型。

If the user falls for the ruse , malware will infect their computer or the device they used to connect to the internet , and make it become part of a storm worm botnet , according to the fbi 根據fbi ,一旦用戶上當,惡意軟件將會感染電腦或其它上網設備并使其成為”僵尸網“一部分。

Then she didn t believe it : she saw in it a ruse . yet doctors could do such things nowadays . they might sort of graft seed 波太大氣窒著呆了一會,過后,她知道了這只是欺騙的話罷了,不足相信的,不過,今日的醫生們是能做這種事的他們很能夠做接種這類的事情的。

Market manipulation should be defined as a conduct intended to fraudulently induce people to trade by artificial securities transaction or other ruses 操縱市場行為應當定義為以欺詐致使他人從事證券交易為目的,制造虛假的證券交易或者其他虛假現象的行為。

By what ruse , what unsuspected good luck , could actaeon manage from that point to penetrate the “ cruel principle of her virginity ” 憑藉怎樣的手段,怎樣的出乎意料的好運,阿克鐵龍能夠從那一點成功地貫穿她圣潔處女的殘酷原理?

But british secret service officials were aware of the ruse and issued censors with a code - breaking guide to intercept them 但英國安全部門人員識破了敵人的詭計,派遣解密專家對圖案密碼進行破解。