
rurality n.1.田舍風味,鄉村風味。2.田園生活。3.農村習語,...


This essay anlyses the main hinders in constructing new rurality in west area of china . and it gives out some countermeasure to overcome these hinders 摘要文章分析了當前西部地區新農村建設過程中面臨的主要障礙,并在此基礎上就如何克服這些障礙以取得新農村建設的突破提出了對策建議。

The south part of it is linyi - tangcheng - cangshan alluvial plain , represented by rurality . there are strange peaks and caves , beautiful lakes and water - falls and famous trees and flowers 自然景觀十分豐富,有奇峰峻嶺、怪洞異窟、湖光水色、瀑布溫泉,佳木名卉等。

The south part of it is linyi - tangcheng - cangshan alluvial plain , represented by rurality . there are strange peaks and caves , beautiful lakes and water - falls and famous trees and flowers 自然景觀十分豐富,有奇峰峻嶺怪洞異窟湖光水色瀑布溫泉,佳木名卉等。

The main hinders in constructing new rurality in west area of china and countermeasures 西部地區新農村建設的主要障礙及其克服

Openness , marginality , and rurality observer ' s report on the 4th anthropology summit forum 第四屆人類學高級論壇之觀察員評論

Some problems on tianshui new rurality construction 天水新農村建設的幾個問題

The well-kept lawns, the artificial water and the trim paths give a mock rurality that is infinitely amusing to persons who do not wish to take things too seriously . 那修剪得齊整的草地、人工水流和平坦的小路,顯出一種模擬的鄉間風味,對那些也不愿過于認真的人們,是趣味無窮的。