
rural adj.鄉下的,農村(風味)的 (opp. urban)...

rural dean

All through the developing world the vanguard of the rural exodus has reached the urban fringes already . 在整個發展中的世界里,退出農村而向城市遷徙的先鋒已經到達了城市的邊緣。

Greater availability of health care in cities than in rural areas has led to lower death rates in cities . 在城市比起在農村能夠獲得更多的醫療保健,這就使得城市的死亡率較低。

There has been a steady population shift from rural to urban areas, causing large urban slums and unemployment . 農村人口一直在不斷地流入城市,造成失業和大規模的貧民區。

How do present third world systems of education fit into this holistic view of the meaning of rural development ? 如何使第三世界現有的教育體制適應農村發展的整體意圖?

There is much need for better rural infrastructure and more research, especially for food crops . 目前很需要改善農村基礎設施,并且進行更多的研究,特別是對糧食作物。

Being a rural district 15 years ago , the city is now throbbing with the pulse of modern industry . 這個城十五年前還是個農業地區,現在有了現代工業在順利地活躍著。

Rural people stuck firmly to their old ways and were suspicious of anything slightly different . 農村居民總是固守老的習慣,對任何與老習慣稍有不同的事物持懷疑態度。

A census in 1980 revealed that approximately 6 percent of rural nigerien men are wage earners . 1980年的一次人口調查披露,尼日爾的農村居民中,有將近6是掙工資者。

The mail service in the south was uncertain and in the rural districts there was none at all . 南方的郵政業務仍舊是沒有定準,何況在這偏僻的區域,簡直是全然不通了。

Farmers could elect legislators or congressmen from rural districts, who would represent their interest . 農民可選舉出身農村,代表他們利益的人擔任議員或國會議員。

“good heavens, doctor,“ cried miss ley, “he must be a miracle of rural excellence. “ “天哪,醫生,”萊伊小姐喊道,“看來他定是農村杰出人物中一個令人驚奇的人。

Ironically, much of the labor-facilitating industrialization came from the rural areas themselves . 出人意外的是,這些節省勞力的工業化,多數是從農區本身開始的。

Collection costs for garbage would be prohibitive in rural areas because of the dispersed population . 在農村收集垃圾的費用會高得驚人,因為那里的人口很分散。

However dismal the urban, scene may appear to the visitor, levels of rural poverty can be worse . 不管在旅游者看來城市景象多么暗淡,農村的貧困程度更為嚴重。

Urban people are sometimes quite genuinely shocked when they see what farmers do to the rural landscape . 農民破壞了鄉村景色,城市居民有時對此感到十分震驚。

Its occupation was to speculate on laetitia dale's modest enthusiasm for rural pleasures . 她還強迫自己接受利蒂霞戴爾對農村的恰如其分的依戀感情。

In fact, in britain now only about four or five per cent of people live in rural areas . 事實上,英國現在只有大約百分之四到百分之五的人口住在農村。

Today there are religious groups in rural u.s., who cling firmly to their old ways . 現在,在美國農村還有許多宗教團體,他們仍固守著老習慣。

Many development strategies now give priority to agricultural and rural development . 現在,許多發展戰略都把農業和農村的發展放在優先地位。