
rupee n.(印度等國的貨幣單位)盧比;盧比銀幣。


“ it ' s lost more than 10 percent against the british pound , “ he said . “ and lo and behold , the indian rupee - if you had been holding indian rupees - you would have made 13 percent . 一位保守派共和黨人開始呼吁公眾對美金疲軟的關注: “美金, “他說, “兌歐元已經下跌了9 % ,對其它貨幣更甚.

He met a friend , who asked where he was going . he told his friend the whole story , and that he was going to buy a five - rupee item as an offering to the goddess 他出去的時候,碰到一個朋友,那個朋友問他要去哪里,他就把全部故事告訴他,并表示自己正要去買五元的東西供養杜迦女神。

But because of hong kong s special position as a trading centre , a variety of currencies , including the silver dollar , the indian rupee and the chinese cash , became legal tender 不過,由于香港是貿易中心,處境特殊,所以當時有多種流通貨幣,其中包括銀元印度盧比和中國的錢幣。

By abandoning its attempt to hold the rupee down against the dollar , the rbi is now able to regain control over monetary policy and so focus on containing inflation 印度儲備銀行rbi放棄試圖抑制盧布兌美元的匯率,從而能夠重新獲得對貨幣政策的控制,并致力于抑制通貨膨脹。

He could barely hang on to a branch and yelled for help . at that time , the spirit of the goddess durga spoke through the coconut farmer , demanding a hundred rupees to save him 那個時候,杜迦女神的靈氣就附在那個賣椰子的人身上,向他要求一百元,才愿意救他下來大眾笑。

The 83 - year - old leader , who wrested power from his opponent j . jayalalithaa in the elections , also promised rice at 2 rupees ( 2 . 3 pence ) per kg for the poor 現年83歲的卡魯納尼迪擊敗競選對手獲得競選成功,他同樣還承諾說將為貧民把每公斤的米價降至2盧布(約合2 . 3便士) 。

The 83 - year - old leader , who wrested power from his opponent j . jayalalithaa in the elections , also promised rice at 2 rupees 2 . 3 pence per kg for the poor 現年83歲的卡魯納尼迪擊敗競選對手獲得競選成功,他同樣還承諾說將為貧民把每公斤的米價降至2盧布約合2 . 3便士。

Perhaps a hundred rupees was a lot of money then , perhaps equivalent to a hundred or even a thousand u . s . dollars today . money was more valuable at that time 那個時候一百元是很多錢,比方說相當于現在的一百元美金或是一千元美金,因為那個時候的錢比較有價值。

Goldman sachs group inc . was fined 10 million rupees ( $ 216 , 268 ) for violating india ' s securities rules , the regulator for nation ' s capital markets said 印度資本市場監管機構稱,美高盛公司因違反印度相關證券法律被監管機構罰款1000萬盧比(合21 . 6268萬美元) 。

An indian woman paid just two rupees ( four us cents ) in compensation for damage to her coconut groves by tsunami waves has angrily returned the state aid 一位只獲得兩盧比(四美分)補償其遭海嘯巨浪損壞之椰子園的印度婦人,氣憤地退回這筆國家救助。

Someone spending 15 rupees in rural india in 1960 had about the same command over goods and services as an american spending $ 23 . 14 a month in 1985 1960年在印度貧困地方每月花費15盧比的人購買商品和服務的能力等同于1985年每月花23 . 14美元的美國人。

An indian model displays the world ' s most expensive tie worth 10 million indian rupees in the western india city of ahmadabad on thursday 印度模特兒周四在印度西部城市艾哈邁達巴德,展示價值一千萬印度盧比(約一百七十萬港元)的全球最昂貴領帶。

Born in a slum in bhubaneswar , the capital of orissa , budhia was sold by his mother for just 800 rupees 10 pounds after his father died 辛格的身世也很悲苦,他出生在奧里薩邦首府的貧民窟。在父親去世后,母親以800盧比合10英鎊的價格將他賣掉。

“ we pay 4000 rupees ( 93 dollars ) for each hectare of crops lost so i don ' t know who came up with that silly figure , ” parihar said 我們付四千盧比(九十三美元)給每公頃受損的農作物,因此我不知道是誰提出那個愚蠢的金額,帕里哈說。

For a less serene trip , rent a vespa or a royal enfield ( 400 to 800 rupees ) to see ladakh ' s stunning ( and sometimes treacherous ) mountain passes 若不求幽靜的話?可以租一部偉士或皇家埃菲爾德( 400到800盧比)去看幾個秀美險惡的拉達克隘口。

Therefore , i think it will be good enough for me to go to the temple , piously do some very special worship , and then give an offering of five rupees . 所以,我想我到寺廟那邊很誠心地做一個很特殊的禮拜,然后供養?五元的東西就好了。

And with so much of its 75 billion rupee fund unspent , india ' s government is drafting proposals to subsidise the provision of broadband to every village 印度政府擁有750億盧比未予花銷,目前正在草擬計劃準備向所有村莊提供寬帶業務。

The hawker replied , “ your majesty , they don ' t cost much . considering the quality of these fans , the price is very low : one hundred rupees a fan . 小販答道: “陛下,這些扇子不貴。考慮到它們的品質,一把扇子一百盧比的價格是很低的。

This sounded very reasonable , and since the man was a very thrifty person , he went to the coconut stall to buy a coconut for one rupee 那個人聽了覺得很有道理,剛好他又是很節省的人。然后他就來到賣椰子的地方,想買一塊錢的椰子。