
runway n.1.〔主美〕跑道;飛機跑道。 2. 河床;(滑運木材...


You look like you just stepped off the runway at minsky ' s 你看起來就像剛離開minsky的河道

You need one of my handbags for the runway , 你應該有一個這樣的手提包

- hi , teddy . - hi . kids , don ' t touch the runway lights -嗨,特迪-嗨.孩子們,別動t型臺上的燈

Hi , teddy . - hi . kids , don ' t touch the runway lights 嗨,特迪-嗨.孩子們,別動t型臺上的燈

You are mistaking another runway for guangzhou airport 你把另外的跑道看錯為廣州機場了。

Fig . 16 a transmissometer alongside the runway at kai tak 啟德機場跑道旁的視程透射表。

With the runway of santiago airport nearby 圣雅各城飛機場的跑道在不遠處

Kai tak runway , kai fuk road , kowloon bay , kowloon 九九灣啟福道啟德跑道

Request clearance ( permission ) to enter the position ( runway ) 請給予進跑道許可(指示) 。

Study on impact - proof and abrasion - proof concrete in runway 機場跑道耐沖磨混凝土的研究

The runway the pilot used wasn ' t long enough 飛機駕駛員當時使用的飛機起飛跑道不夠長。

Road snow melting and airdrome runway snow melting 道路化雪機場跑道化雪

Version of the game to try , only one runway 游戲為試玩版,僅有一個跑道。

Request a low flying over the runway for gear check 請求低空飛行通過跑道檢查起落架。

Taxi straight ahead to the end of the taxiway ( runway ) 直線滑行至滑行道(跑道)盡頭。

We went offthe runway and plunged into a field 飛機沖出了跑道,扎進農田里

The huge aircraft thundered along the runway 那架巨大的飛機轟隆作響地沿著跑道滑行。

A track providing a runway for wheeled equipment 軌道為裝有輪子的設備提供跑道的軌道

Determination of tire - runway friction coefficient 飛機輪胎與跑道間結合系數模型的研究