
runaway n.逃走者,逃亡者;阻不住的奔馬,逃馬;逃走,逃亡,私奔...


The runaway inflation would seem to put the brakes on such a trend 失控的通貨膨脹似乎阻止這一趨勢的發展。

Many southerners sheltered runaway slaves during the civil war 南北戰爭之時,許多南方人保護過逃跑的奴隸。

“ him ? “ says aunt sally ; “ the runaway nigger ? deed he hasn t “他喲, ”薩莉姨媽說, “那個逃跑的黑奴么?

Indicates that runaway warming pushed earth into an ice age .顯示出氣候失控性的變暖把地球推向冰川時代

“ why , dis - yer runaway nigger . “啊,這個逃跑的黑奴啊。 ”

The problem is a12 - year - old runaway 問題是一個12歲逃家的人

Dirsi deposit induced runaway surface ignition 表面點火方式

Why , the runaway nigger , of course 當然是那個逃跑的黑奴嘍。

I ' m attracted to exhibitionist runaways . it ' s an addiction 我總是喜歡愛臭美的離家出走者,上癮了

A convent girl , a runaway marriage 一個修女,一次落跑的婚姻。

. . . when their runaway school bus nearly plunged over a cliff . . .在失控的校車幾乎迫近懸崖的時候

The young couple made a runaway match 那一對年輕人私奔結婚了。

Introduction to runaway discharge of feilaixia hydro - project 飛來峽貫流機組飛逸泄水工況試驗介紹

He seized the reins of the runaway horse 他抓住了脫逃馬的韁繩。

The lovers ' runaway caused their parents much pain 這對情侶的私奔給他們的父母帶來了很多痛苦。

Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse 熱情而無知,猶如脫韁馬

The runaway prisoner landed up ma ditch 那個逃犯最后死在水溝里。

Joined an action group to help runaway slaves in 1850 1850年加入一個幫助出逃奴隸的行動小組。

On the runaway of the enterprise financial affairs and its control 企業財務失控及其控制淺探