
rumple vt.(把織物、紙等)弄皺;(把頭發等)弄亂。vi.變皺...


The echoing chamber of his soul was a narrow room , a conning tower , whence were directed his arm and shoulder muscles , his ten nimble fingers , and the swift - moving iron along its steaming path in broad , sweeping strokes , just so many strokes and no more , just so far with each stroke and not a fraction of an inch farther , rushing along interminable sleeves , sides , backs , and tails , and tossing the finished shirts , without rumpling , upon the receiving frame 他靈魂的回音室狹小得如一座錐形的塔,指揮著他的胳膊和肩肌十個靈巧的指頭和熨斗,沿著霧氣騰騰的道路迅跑,做大刀闊斧的揮動。揮動的次數不多不少,而且恰到好處,決不過火,只沿著無窮無盡的兩袖兩腰后背后擺急跑,然后把熨燙完的襯衫甩到承接架上,還不讓它打皺。

Les , picturing veronica in her house , in her bed , where an elongated pink - tinged pallor had been revealed to him , like a modigliani or a fragonard , nestled in rumpled fabric , said , “ she ' s a pretty indoor kind of person 萊一邊內心勾畫著維羅尼卡呆在家里躺在床上的樣子,浮現眼前的她身材頎長,淡粉的膚色之中透著一絲蒼白,猶如畫家莫迪格利阿尼或者弗拉戈納的畫中人那樣偎依在泛起褶子的織物里,一邊嘴里說道: “她是那種不怎么喜歡戶外活動的人。 ”

Some results are interesting , for example , in our calculation , there are no reconstruction in the cleaned pbte > pbse > pbs ( 001 ) surface . but there are different rumple occurs . unlike the iii - v and ii - vi semiconductors , there are no surface states in the fundamental gaps 在表面電子結構特征方面,與111一v族和n一vl族化合物不同,基本帶隙中不引入表面態,而在導帶頂和價帶底附近以及更深能級中出現表面態或表面共振態等。

She smiled to herself at vagrant impulses which arose from nowhere and suggested that she rumple his hair ; while he desired greatly , when they tired of reading , to rest his head in her lap and dream with closed eyes about the future that was to be theirs 有時一種無賴的沖動無端襲來,她還會想去揉亂他的鬈發。這時她便暗自笑了。而他呢,兩人讀書倦了,也渴望把頭放在她的膝頭上,閉了眼睛冥想他倆未來的日子。

The space between the rumpled sail and the boom on a hand - built kabang boat reveals a slice of sea and sky ? and other members of the flotilla ? in myanmar ' s mergui archipelago in the andaman sea 在位于安達曼海的緬甸丹老群島,在一艘手工制造的卡邦船上,從起皺的船帆和吊桿之間的空間可看到一線大海和天空,還有船隊的其他成員。

“ why , what bloodshot , draggled , dishevelled spectacle , is this ? “ cried mortimer . “ are my feathers so very much rumpled ? “ said eugene , coolly going up to the looking - glass 莫蒂梅驚叫道: “你怎么樣,雙眼充血,衣服散亂,披頭散發! ”尤金說: “難道我真是那么亂蓬蓬的嗎? ”她邊說邊冷靜地走向鏡子旁邊。

He wears rumpled , nondescript suits , drives his own car , drinks cherry coke , and is more likely to be found in a dairy queen than a four - star restaurant 他穿皺巴巴的普通西裝,親自開車,常喝“櫻桃可樂“ ,多數情況下是光顧“戴瑞王后“這樣的小飯館,而不是四星級的豪華酒店。

She chose her colours with the greatest care . she adjusted her petals one by one . she did not wish to go out into the world all rumpled , like the field poppies 她精心選擇著她將來的顏色,慢慢騰騰地妝飾著,一片片地搭配著她的花瓣,她不愿象虞美人那樣一出世就滿臉皺紋。

Then he thought of his flower . he got it out , rumpled and wilted , and it mightily increased his dismal felicity . he wondered if she would pity him if she knew 接著,他又想起了他的花,他把花拿出來,那花已經揉皺了,枯萎了,這更大大增加他凄涼而又幸福的情調。

Propped on one leg , among her slightly rumpled laces she was holding one of her bare feet between her hands and was turning it mechanically about and about 她盤起一條大腿坐著,大腿把睡衣的花邊壓得微微起皺,她用兩只手抓著一只光腳,無意識地轉來轉去。

When passepartout had finished , he found himself relieved and comforted . fix got up in a somewhat rumpled condition , and , looking at his adversary , coldly said , have you done 路路通把費克斯揍了一頓之后,心里象是得到了一點安慰,火氣也比較小了。

The big chair had a rumpled look - its nether cushions had been tumbled , a fact which now amused him 現在,他看見那張大椅子墊面舊得起皺,椅背向后仰得很厲害,他覺得挺有趣的。

Rumpled stockings - it may be , possibly is , a foible of mine , but still it s a thing i simply hate to see 皺皺巴巴的長統襪-這也許是我的弱點,反正我最厭惡的就是這個。 ”

Bloom in housejacket of ripplecloth , flannel trousers , heelless slippers , unshaven , his hair rumpled softly 讓新的世界取代舊的。

Warmth showered gently over him , cowing his flesh . flesh yielded amid rumpled clothes 一股暖流悄悄地浸透他全身,鎮懾著他的肉體。

Rumple minze is a peppermint schnapps imported from the black forest in bavaria 這是一種從巴伐利亞黑森林進口的薄荷甜酒。

Then , a twisted grey garter looped round a stocking : rumpled , shiny sole 接著是一只歪歪擰擰地套在長襪上的灰色襪帶。

We could see from the rumpled sheets that the bed had been slept in 我們從被弄縐的床單可以看出有人在這床上睡過了。

We can see from the rumple sheet that the bed have be sleeped in 我們從被弄縐的床單可以看出有人在這床上睡過了。