
ruinous adj.破壞性的,招致毀滅的;沒落的;破壞的;已成廢墟的...


Far from doing anything of the sort , he used his power to select out of all the various courses open to him the stupidest and most pernicious of all . of all the different things napoleon might have donespending the winter in moscow , going to petersburg , going to nizhni - novgorod , going back a little more to the north or to the south , by the road kutuzov afterwards tookno course one can imagine could have been more ruinous for his army as the sequel proved than the one napoleon actually did adopt ; that is , the course of staying in moscow till october , letting the troops plunder the town , then in hesitation leaving a garrison behind , marching out of moscow , going to meet kutuzov and not giving battle , turning to the right and going as far as maley yaroslavets , again refusing to risk a battle , and finally retreating , not by the road kutuzov had taken , but by mozhaisk and the smolensk route through devastated country 可供拿破侖選擇的道路有:在莫科斯過冬,向彼得堡進軍,向下諾夫哥羅德進軍,向北或者向南庫圖佐夫后來所走的那條路撤退,可是,再也想不出比拿破侖做的更愚蠢更有害的事了,那就是,在莫斯科停留到十月底,任由部隊搶劫這個城市,后來,又動搖不定是否留下守備隊,就退出了莫斯科,接近了庫圖佐夫,卻不進行戰斗,接著轉向右方,走近小雅羅斯拉維茨,又失掉了試行突破的機會,不走庫圖佐夫走的那條大路,而沿著被破壞了的斯摩棱斯克大路向莫扎伊斯克退卻,結果證明,再也想不出比這更愚蠢對軍隊更有害的事情了。

It is not just the narrow business of the doha round ( if narrow is a fit adjective for an ambition to lift millions out of poverty , curb rich countries ' ruinous farm support and open markets for countless goods and services ) that is at stake 不僅是多哈回合上的小事兒(如果小是一個合適的形容詞來表達這樣的一個目的:讓成百萬的人脫貧,抑制富國極具破壞性的農業扶持以及為無數的商品和服務開辟市場)受到威脅。

With the international theme park , it will be able to form the impact to the domestic existing theme park , without doubt will be able for the chinese theme park industry brings the enormous challenge , even creates the ruinous to some enterprises attack 隨著國際主題公園的進入,將會對國內現有主題公園形成沖擊,無疑會為中國主題公園業帶來極大的挑戰,甚至對一些企業造成毀滅性的打擊。

Self - contempt is ruinous , it not only ruins you , it ruins your family , your friends , and it ruins society around you . and you ll come to an end of your life without the glory and the honor that you want 我不同意,確實是有自大的問題,但自大是因為人接受了虛假的膺品自尊,就是這樣,我們要反對自大,但相反的情況亦不妙,自大的相反就是自卑,自卑亦是破壞性的。

Houses in twos and threes pass by us , solitary farms , ruinous buildings , dye - works , tanneries , and the like , open country , avenues of leafless trees . the hard uneven pavement is under us , the soft deep mud is on either side 在我們身邊經過的有兩三座房屋獨立的農莊建筑物的廢墟染坊和硝皮作坊之類,還有開闊的田野一排排落了葉的樹。

It would be foolish for a manager to make a three - year loan when his own investors could cut and run within a year ; the mismatch of assets and liabilities could be ruinous 作為一個管理者來說向一個可能在一年內中斷償還甚至逃債的貸款者提供為期三年的借貸是很愚蠢的;資產與債務的失諧將是破壞性的。

However , pornography is now being frequently online wherever we can see , such as in the advertisment , poster and so on . and this fact is reflected how ruinous is our civilization 然而,色情現在常常地是網上,無論哪里我們都能看到,例如在廣告,海報等等。并且這個事實被反射多麼毀滅性的是我們的文明。

A military assault on abkhazia or south ossetia would be ruinous , since russia has issued passports to most people in the provinces and promises to protect “ its ” citizens 假如對阿布哈茲和南奧塞梯動武的話,俄方顯然不會坐視不管,況且俄已對這些省份的大多數居民發放了護照并承諾保護他們。

Brazil ' s bloodiest conflicts , with the exception of the ruinous paraguayan war of 1865 - 1870 , have been internal affairs , pitting classes , regions and races against each other 除了1865 - 1870之間慘烈的玻利瓦爾戰爭之外,巴西的流血沖突交織著內部矛盾、階級斗爭、地區沖突和種族分裂。

Even so , the impromptu trading rooms of ho chi minh city are beginning to resemble the london coffee - houses that incubated the ruinous south sea bubble in the early 18th century 盡管這樣,胡志明市交易房間內的即興演出開始像倫敦的咖啡屋了,其在18世紀早期孕育了摧毀性的南海泡沫。

Out of the open country , in again among ruinous buildings , solitary farms , dye - works , tanneries , and the like , cottages in twos and threes , avenues of leafless trees 走出了空曠的田野,又走過了傾塌的建筑物孤獨的農莊染坊和硝皮作坊之類三三兩兩的農舍一行行掉光了葉子的樹木。

It is also because , after a quarter of a century of ruinous war , afghans are more willing to take help from any hand 究其原因,一方面,是由于西方國家比蘇聯更樂善好施;另一方面,在經歷了長達25年的戰亂后,阿富汗人民已和過去有所不同,他們更加希望得到外界的任何援助。

Yet having built his power on fear , he was loth to admit that he had been de - clawed , and so allowed the interminable and ruinous saga of sanctions to continue 然而,依靠恐嚇手段鞏固政權的他并不愿承認自己已經雄風不再,所以也就任由毀滅性的制裁無休無止地進行下去。

In reality the results of berezina were less ruinous to the french in loss of cannons and prisoners than was the fighting at krasnoe , as statistics prove 實際數字證明:事實上,強渡別列濟納河法國人在武器和人員方面的損失比在克拉斯諾耶戰役所遭受的損失要小得多。

The atmosphere of orthodoxy is always damaging to prose , and above all it is completely ruinous to the novel , the most anarchical of all forms of literature 正統的環境總不利于舞文弄墨,但最重要的是它會完全毀掉小說,那是各種文體體裁中最具無政府主義特點的。

According to the signal - man , it was in a ruinous condition , several of the iron wires being broken ; and it was impossible to risk the passage 離這里還有一英里。據守路員說,這座橋就要垮了,上面很多鐵索已經斷了。冒險通過是不可能的。

Were it not for his unceasing vigil over humanity , the ruinous powers of the warp would flood the mortal realm with madness and horror 若不是他對人類不息的守護,異次元的毀滅之力將使人間變為瘋狂與恐懼之地。

The new world was so conducive to life and health , vespucci opined , that “ doctors would find it ruinous to live there ” 瓦斯普契以為,新大陸是如此有益于生活和健康,以至于“醫生會發現在那里將無以為繼” 。

All sides realise that an escalation in violence from machetes to machineguns would be ruinous for all kenyans 各方都意識到,暴力事件由彎刀升級到機關槍對所有的肯尼亞人都是毀滅性的災難。