
rueful adj.悲傷的;可憐的;悔恨的;沮喪的。 the kni...


Starting from the establishment of the media rueful for realizing the goal of the students independent experimental learning , this paper probeed into the connotation and construction mode of various resources that can he used in the botany experimental teaching material system , different kinds of teaching materials derived from different carriers , and the relevant resources needed to be reorganized and their application in teaching practice under the condition of information technology 摘要本文從創建有利于學生開展“自主型”實驗學習目標實現的“媒介”入手,具體探討了在信息技術條件下可用于植物學“立體化”實驗教材體系建設的各種資源的內涵和構建模式、依賴不同“載體”所構建出的教材形式及其所需整合的相關資源,以及它們在教學實踐中的應用。

They have nearly murdered another man ; they say hes almost dead ah , the people who wouldnt be afraid of sin were saying now the same people , looking with rueful pity at the dead body , with the blue face fouled with dust and blood , and the long , slender , broken neck 聽說還有一個挨了打,差不多要死了唉,這些人啊不怕作孽”那些人現在又這樣說,用病態的憐憫的表情看著尸體,血淋淋的發青的臉上沾滿塵土,細長的脖頸被砍爛了。

From time to time , we hear comments that the hkma runs in automatic gear , which always brings a slightly rueful smile to my face 不時有人說金管局的日常運作是自動化的。每每聽到這些意見,我都不禁苦笑起來。

There seems to be something in the chill breezes which scurry through the long , narrow thoroughfares productive of rueful thoughts 寒風在長長窄窄的大街上掃過,風中似乎有什么東西引起人的惆悵。

A small gas - jet furnished sufficient light for so rueful a corner 一只小小的煤氣噴嘴就照亮了如此可憐的一個角落。

Mr power gazed at the passing houses with rueful apprehension 鮑爾先生定睛望著往后退去的那些房屋,黯然神傷。

Reckless youth makes rueful age 虛度青春,悔恨無已

A knight of the rueful countenance here in dublin . with a saffron kilt 他是都柏林這里的一位愁容騎士170 。

He thought of her with a rueful smile 他苦笑著回想她。

Lord mountdrago smiled, but the smile that tried to be careless was only rueful . 芒德內哥勛爵笑了笑,他原想表現得若無其事,結果卻露出了一副苦笑。

He made a very blank and rueful face when he saw mr. arthur seated upon a table . 他看見亞瑟先生高踞在桌子上,不覺一愣,露出了無可奈何的傷心臉色。

He seemed both rueful and fatalistic about his prospective eminence . 他對自己將擔任的要職,似乎抱著一種既郁郁不樂,又聽天由命的情緒。

Ellen gave me a rueful smile . 埃倫對我凄然一笑。

She could not help laughing at his rueful countenance . 她看他愁眉苦臉,忍不住笑起來。