
rov ROV =remotely operated vehic...


Joined by a team of the world s foremost history and marine experts , the academy award - winning director of titanic - james cameron journeys back to the legendary wreck of the titanic . during the voyage , you will explore the entire ship , encountering mysteries that have remained hidden for almost a century 透過兩個身價分別上百萬美元的rov遙控機器人身上的光纖鏡頭,占士金馬倫和一隊由頂尖歷史學家和海洋專家組成的遠征隊帶領觀深入鐵達尼號殘骸內部,一同感受這艘豪華郵輪美麗與哀愁。

This paper is the theoretical summary of the development around the dynamic positioning system by the writer , which includes several aspects of the studies as follows , 1 . in allusion to the feature of zero - speed of the ship in positioning control process , the dynamic mathematics model of the ship ' s movement has been established , which fits to the dynamic positioning , and the mathematics model of the environment of sea and ocean which disturbs the ship in dynamic positioning , which has founded the base of further study 本文是作者以rov工作母船為背景,圍繞動力定位系統的開發工作所做的理論研究工作,主要包括以下幾個方面的研究工作: 1 )針對處于定位控制的船舶工作在零航速附近的特點,建立了適合于船舶動力定位系統研究用的船舶低頻運動模型,為滿足控制器設計的需要,建立了船舶高頻運動模型和海洋環境作用模型,為以后的分析奠定了基礎。

On this basis , put forward this index combines together and analyses the analytical method that the market runs wave between morphological analysis and trading volume rate of change ( rov ) of theory , and has carried on the real example to analyze to index of shanghai stock exchange , in order to prove the dependability of this kind of analytical method 在此基礎上,提出了將波浪理論的形態分析與成交量變化率( rov )這一指標結合起來分析市場運行的分析方法,并對上證指數進行了實證分析,以證明此種分析方法的可靠性。

The subsea wellhead production system , named building block subsea system , adopts the most advanced technologies in the world , including the subsea horizontal christmas tree , electro - hydraulic control system , mudline booster pump , umbilical assembly , host , and rov , etc 被稱為“組塊搭接式控制系統”的水下井口生產系統,薈萃了當今世界的尖端技術,包括雙定位水下臥式采油樹、電/液控制系統、泥線增壓泵、電纜系統、折疊式鉆井底盤系統和遙控作業機器人等。

If all goes well , the hybrid rov will let scientists better understand fundamental processes occurring at the deep subduction zones along the continental margins where geochemical recycling of the earth ' s crust takes place 如果一切都進行得很順利,復合型遙控探測器將可使科學家更清楚地了解,發生在大陸邊緣海洋深處隱沒帶的地質變化,以及此處地殼物質所進行的地球化學循環內容。

By using this type of propeller , it certainly seems to be able to reduce propellers and consequently to contribute to the compactness and the light weight of rov , etc . it will be applied widely in ocean engineering area 通過使用這種螺旋槳可以減少推進器的數目,從而改善潛器內部的布置并減輕潛器本身重量。它將在海洋工程領域里得到廣泛應用。

He eventually hopes to use rock - cutting rovs that will drive across the sea floor , grinding ore as they go and sending it to the surface via a tube at a rate of 400 tonnes per hour 他最終希望能用可以橫穿海底的巖石開掘機rov將礦石碾碎,然后通過一條管道以每小時400噸的速度將其運至海面。

Nautilus ' s deep - water exploration relies on a modified deep - sea remotely operated vehicle ( rov ) of the kind normally used in the oil and telecoms industries 鸚鵡螺公司的深水開發依賴于一種由普通用在石油和電信工業上的深水遠程操作工具改進而來的機器。

This system is possible to deploy onto the rov to have an extra safety control 文中將分別對于傳感器的特性,水聲頻響的選擇以波浪之影響分別加以說明。

Mr heydon says it is because the rov technology has only recently become capable enough 海冬說,這是因為rov技術只是在最近才得以真正能用于實戰。

The status and development of sub - mini auv and rov in abroad are described 發達國家均開展了此類型潛水器的研究。

Constructed by the 2nd highway engineering co . of fujian rov 福建省公路局設計,福建省第二公路工程公司施工。

The future of ocean observation systems 2006 rov challenge 海洋保育邁進未來2006潛水機械人挑戰賽