
roughen vt.弄粗糙,使崎嶇不平。vi.變粗糙,變得崎嶇不平。


To satisfy the practical need of internal cooling in turbine blades of aeroengine , some detailed experimental measurements on the discharge coefficients , pressure coefficients and flow field in the internal passages with both rib - roughened walls and film hole suctions under a wide range of aerodynamic parameters . and the interrelated numerical simulation was also been implemented 本文根據航空發動機中渦輪葉片內流冷卻的實際需要,在寬廣的氣流流動參數范圍內,對同時帶肋和氣膜孔出流的葉片內冷通道的流量系數、壓力系數以及流場進行了詳細的實驗測試,同時還進行了相應的數值模擬計算。

By means of wide investigation , instruments development , a series of model experiments and relative theory analysis , following results are obtained in river model time scale distortion ratio , model roughening , inflow and outflow controlling methods and equipment , new water level and velocity measuring technique , model automatic measuring and controlling system : ( 1 ) with the aid of configuration software , a large scale river model automatic measuring and controlling system is developed , realizing river model automatically controlling and basic hydraulic parameters automatically measuring 本文通過廣泛調研、儀器研制、系列模型試驗和相關的理論分析,在河工模型時間變態率控制、模型加糙、出入流檢測方法和設備、水位流速測量新技術、模型自動測控系統等方面取得了下列成果: ( 1 )應用工控組態軟件技術,開發了一套大型河工模型自動測控系統,實現了模型內外邊界的自動控制和基本水力參數的自動量測。

It is found that the ablated surface morphologies for both the ti samples of different roughness have a similar change trend from roughening to smoothing with increasing the shot number , where the surface roughening is relatively weaker at lower ion current density 通過輻照不同原始粗糙度的純金屬ti發現,隨著輻照次數的增加,燒蝕表面形貌均發生表面粗糙化向光滑化的轉變。離子束流密度較低時,輻照表面的粗糙化程度較弱。

But this is my father s story , sir ; and i begin to think - the curiously roughened forehead was very intent upon him - that when i was left an orphan through my mother s surviving my father only two years , it was you who brought me to england “可你講的是我父親的故事我開始覺得- ”她奇怪地皺緊了眉頭仔細打量著他- “我父親在我母親去世后兩年也去世了。把我帶到英國來的就是你-我差不多可以肯定。 ”

I had never seen the squire so near at hand . he was a t ; man , over six feet high , and broad in proportion , and he had a bluff , rough - and - ready face , all roughened and redden and lined in his long travels 我從來沒在這么近的距離里看過鄉紳,他是個高個子,約有六英尺多高,肩寬與身高相稱,有一張坦誠的還算看得過去的面孔,在長期的漫游過程中變得粗糙和發紅,同時布滿了皺紋。

There are two schemes of experiment in this paper . one studies effect of roughened apron upon velocity of the bottom of running water , because the area that the velocity of flow is low is the main mechanism of lightening erosion 試驗分為兩部分:第一部分研究海漫加糙后對近底流速的影響,底流速區是減沖核心機理;第二部分研究海漫加糙后的防沖效果。

In order to resolve this problem , cobalt was dealt with acid and chemical substitute . after chemical pretreatment , the surface of the substrate was roughened with lots of tiny grooves and fine holes 本研究將經過酸洗法和化學反應替代法不同的去鈷處理,使鈷與反應液發生化學反應,達到去除鈷的目的。

In view of this problem , this paper curries out serials of hydraulic model test to fine out the mechanism of effect of roughened apron extension upon energy dissipation and erosion control 因此,本論文針對這一問題,進行了一系列水工模型試驗以分析研究海漫加糙對消能防沖影響的機理。

His hair was very fair , his face naturally sanguine , his skin roughened by coarse soap and blunt razor blades and the cold of the winter that had just ended 他的身材瘦小纖弱,藍色的工作服? ?那是黨內的制服? ?更加突出了他身子的單薄。

Roughening machine is used for roughening treatment of metallic surfaces for thermal spraying . it is easy to operate and effective for roughening 拉毛機是金屬噴涂前的一種行之有效的表面毛化處理設備,操作極其簡單,粗化效果很好。

This is an example of a fibrinous pericarditis . the surface appears roughened from the normal glistening appearance by the strands of pink - tan fibrin 纖維素性心包炎。由于紅褐色的纖維蛋白沉積,心包表面由光滑發光變得粗糙。

One end of a muscle is attached to a roughened area on bone or cartiage , while the other is fixed in a similar manner to an adjacent bone 肌肉的一端附著在骨或軟骨上的粗糙面,而另一端則以類似的方式附著在相鄰的骨上。

Figure i . 1 shows a basic laser diode chip which consists of two cleaved parallel facets and two sawed ( roughened ) sides 圖. 1所示的是由兩個平行解理面和二個鋸出的(粗糙)側面組成的激光二極管的管芯。

A mini - sized sand - blasting gun of ejection - and absorption type , used to clean and roughen the metallic surfaces for thermal spraying 一種小型的射吸式噴砂槍,可用作噴涂噴焊前的表面清潔毛化處理。

Therefore , the surface roughening and smoothing can be adjusted by controlling the hipib irradiation parameters 通過優化輻照參數可控制hipib輻照純金屬ti燒蝕表面的粗糙化和光滑化。

This in turn causes a more profound modification of the etched surface , e . g . , due to roughening or amorphization 這將導致對于刻蝕表面的嚴重修正,譬如粗糙度和非晶化。

The surface of the heart with hemorrhagic pericarditis demonstrates a roughened and red appearance 出血性心包炎的心臟表面呈紅色粗糙狀。

Moreover , the surface roughening is obviously restrained on the low - roughness ti samples 原始光滑表面明顯抑制了輻照表面的粗糙化程度。

What has roughen ed your temper 可什么東西惹惱了你了?