
rotator n.1.旋轉器,旋轉部。2.【冶金】旋轉反射爐。3.【物...


Having great difference with the tradition structure , its outline is no - gradual - enlargement . the reason of rotator the key point coordinate and restriction , origin of the new coordinate system after transform , the angle of the rotator . transform of the key point between the new and old coordinate system , the rotator angle of coordinate system in ansys during the fem model come into being 本文討論了非漸擴形結構指尖密封曲梁關鍵點坐標旋轉的原因、旋轉的約束條件,旋轉后新坐標系圓心坐標的獲得、旋轉角度大小的確定、曲梁型線關鍵點坐標在新舊坐標系之間的轉換及在ansys中建立有限元模型時坐標系旋轉的原因及角度大小的確定等問題。

3 ) a custom filed function module was complied to study the influence of non - dimensional mass flowrate changed with time in stair shape on flow and heat transfer inside rotator - stator cavity with axial inflow and radial outflow . average nusselt number takes on a sharp up - down process when the mass flowrate changes from stabile status as to the following change of flowrate , the average nuselt number changes greatly in the initial stage and then changes gradually ( 3 )自編用戶程序模塊,研究在軸向入流、徑向出流的轉-靜盤腔中,無量綱流量隨時間呈階梯型改變對盤腔流動和換熱的影響。當流量從某個穩定狀態改變時,轉盤上的平均努謝爾數會產生一個明顯的上升再降低過程;在每一次流量改變的初始階段,平均努謝爾數存在一個較大幅度的變化。

Applying too direct or too much force during the “ catch “ phase of the stroke - if during the “ catch “ phase of the stroke , too straight or too strong a force is used , the head of the humerus is rotated into the deltoid muscle and causes tendonitis , and / or the scapula is pushed against the rotator cuff muscles , causing pain or possible tissue damage 在劃臂的“抓水”階段,手臂徑直抓水或過分用力一如果在劃臂的“抓水”階段,手臂太直或過分用力,肱骨頭就會旋進三角肌引起肌腱炎,肩胛骨也會擠壓軸轉肌而引起肌肉疼痛或組織損傷。

At the end of the paper , we extend the utilities of pif and design several innovative polarization interference devices , such as broad - band polarization rotator , interleave and polarization vector integrating device . all these exploratory researches will promote the further development of pif 最后對偏振干涉濾光片用途進行合理拓展,利用偏振光的干涉特性,設計了幾種實用的偏振器件,例如寬波段偏振旋轉器、交錯復用器和偏振整合器等。

In this thesis , a new method of self - calibration of the rotation platform is introduced , and some formulas are given . by this way , the calibration of the rotation platform will depend only on the feature of platform itself , instead of any other rotator 本文立足于型號背景,文章通過對導航平臺特點的研究,提出了自標定的思想,給出了慣性導航平臺誤差系數自標定的方法和公式解算,同時進行了精度分析。

New idea toward the calculation methods for the rotary air preheater rotator mushroom type deformation and the installation method of folding gaskets . were put forward the calculation method for the pre - arangement of the folding line gap was presented 摘要對回轉式空氣預熱器轉子蘑菇狀變形量的計算方法和密封片的安裝方法提出了新的觀點,并對這折線密封間隙的預留提出了新的計算方法。

The spectrometer can be controlled under computer by using step motor , exactitude rotator and mechanical accessories , and optimized by using pin diode and the circuits suited . it also analysis ' s the sources of errors in gearing and photon detecting 在設計中加入了步進電機、精密轉臺以及一字槽形滑桿連軸器,并分析了其中的誤差來源,通過實驗測試了重復性精度。

The paper illustrates the actuality and development of dynamic balance test technology , and the applying of embedded system for testing rotator , and the purpose and meaning to develop the technology 本文介紹了轉子動平衡測試技術的發展、單片機測試系統在動平衡測試中的應用和該技術的現狀和發展,以及本課題的目的、內容與意義。

You may expect satisfactory fuii benefits with these crawler rigs , which integrate the high - efficiency dth drill , high torque rotator and very adaptable travelling ability and large power powerful dust - collector Kqlg115 kqlg165履帶式高氣壓潛孔鉆機高效率沖擊器大扭矩回轉器高適應性運行能力

The dual rotator is introduced , and then kinematic principles are applied to deduce the removal function of the polishing pad of dual rotator according to the preston assumption 利用aocmt機床的雙轉子研拋頭,以preston假設為理論基礎,建立了雙轉子機構研拋加工的去除函數模型。

After rehabing a rotator cuff injury at the end of the 2005 campaign , wang has had two consecutive 19 win seasons , and leads the majors in wins during that time 在2005年季中為了右肩旋轉肌傷復健以后,王建民投出連續兩季19勝的佳績,在這段時間更投出全大聯盟最多的勝投。

It relates the characteristic of the vibration caused by unequilibrium of rigid rotator and two method for testing it three spots method and influent coefficient method 敘述了剛性轉子不平衡量引起的振動特點和測量動不平衡量的兩種常見方法:三點法和影響系數法。

To ensure these units running in secure state , and to upgrade the economic benefit , it “ s necessary to supervise the life consume of power unit ' s rotator online 為了保證調峰機組運行的安全,提高運行的經濟效益,有必要對機組轉子進行壽命監測管理。

An embedded intelligent dynamic balance testing system for rigid rotator is developed based on the methods and theory of data sampling and processing 在此基礎上結合信號采集與預處理處理方法研制出一套針對剛性轉子的單片機動平衡測試系統。

Two - and three - dimensional flow and heat transfer processes inside rotator - stator cavities were numerically studied using fluent - cfd software 本文采用fluent商用軟件,對二維和三維轉-靜盤腔的流動和傳熱過程進行了數值模擬研究。

The right - hander also needed to provide innings of work to rest a bullpen whose collective rotator cuff is hanging by a thread due to overuse 這位右投手同時也需要多吃下些局數而讓被過度使用的牛棚,能得到些許喘息的機會。

This rotator device is still used today for all takahashi focuser from the 2 ” to 4 ” focusers and all astrographs 該旋轉接口至今仍應用于高橋的2 ”到4 ”的調焦座以及天文攝影中。

Standard test method for thermal - oxidative stability of propylene plastics using a specimen rotator within an oven 用爐內樣品旋轉器測定丙烯塑料的熱氧化穩定性的標準試驗方法

08 . 02 test method for thermal oxidative stability of propylene plastics , using a biaxial rotator 用雙軸旋轉器測定丙烯塑料的熱氧化穩定性的試驗方法