
quixotic adj.1.〔q- 或 Q-〕(堂)吉訶德式的。2.騎士...


It was quite on a par with the quixotic idea in certain quarters that in a hundred million years the coal seam of the sister island would be played out and if , as time went on , that turned out to be how the cat jumped all he could personally say on the matter was that as a host of contingencies , equally relevant to the issue , might occur ere then it was highly advisable in the interim to try to make the most of both countries , even though poles apart 這種見解就跟一部分人所持的那種再過一億年,愛爾蘭島的姊妹島不列顛島的煤層就將被挖掘一空這一堂吉訶德式的看法如出一轍。隨著時間的推移,即便形勢的發展果如所料,關于這個問題他個人至多也只能說:在這之前會接連發生無數偶然事件,對于引發這一結局將同樣有著關連盡管兩國之間的分歧大得簡直是南轅北轍,眼下總還是以竭力相互利用為宜。

The king wants the best for his children , but anna soon discovers that he is a strong - willed but quixotic leader , and her stay in thailand becomes a struggle for power with romantic overtones , as they decide who will have authority over the royal youngsters 勇敢固執的英藉女教師安娜受泰王孟吉禮聘為家庭教師,由英國遠道而來的她,遇上意志堅強的泰王后,在東方文化的沖擊下兩人展開充滿智慧的周旋,最后二人不但互相欣賞,還燃點了愛火. .

Mr . lish , said the writer cynthia ozick , “ may have a quixotic , tilt - at - windmills quality , … the [ law ] - suit may be seen as tilting at windmills 作家奧奇克說,利什先生“也許有堂?吉訶德與風車作戰的素質… …這次挨家控訴可能被看成是堂?吉訶德式的無的放矢。

Some people have lauded bill and melinda gates ? ? call to eradicate malaria as inspirational ; others call it noble but quixotic 一些人已經稱贊比爾和梅琳達蓋茲? ?預期根除瘧疾如帶有靈感的;其他者除了認為它是貴族唐吉訶德式的。

Estranged from the quantum mainstream , einstein spent his final decades in quixotic pursuit of a unified theory of physics 與量子的主流思想漸行漸遠后,愛因斯坦將他的最后幾十年投注在對于物理統一理論的狂想式追求上。

Well , my quixotic one , you shall tell me anything - say , as soon as we are settled in our lodging ; not now “好啦,我的傻小姐,你可以另外找時間告訴我比如說,我們把新房安頓好以后。

Everyone thinks he is a quixotic dreamer , with hopes to one day live in a space station 每個人都認為他是個不切實際的幻想家,因為他夢想有一天能在太空站生活。

And the fellowship ' s members do not view global use of esperanto as a quixotic goal 而該聯誼會隊員并不認為全球采用世界語是一個遙不可及的目標。

Not long ago , selling american cars in japan was downright quixotic 前不久,要在日本出售美國汽車還是一件絕對辦不到的事情。

Give me a don quixotic spear so that i fight with the windwheel 請給我一柄堂吉訶德那樣的長矛,我要與風車開戰!