
quittance n.1.(債務,義務等的)免除,解除,寬免。2.免除債務...


Nowadays , the tock of top priority is , under the quittance of the correct theory how to seize the unprecedented opportunities , and to conquer the probing , then posh the university construction to a new stag 現在的當務之急是,我國高校如何把握這一前所未有的發展機遇,在正確的理論導向下,不斷克服困難與挑戰,將我國高校建設推上一個新的臺階。

Quit the nicotine reduction unconsciously and completely . avoid maladjustment of incretion and disease of integration because of abrupt . so you can achieve quittance without pain 戒煙:通過不斷降低煙堿吸入量,使戒煙者在不知不覺中把身體內對煙堿的需求量減到零,同時避免因突然戒煙引起的內分泌失調和戒煙綜合癥,從而達到無痛苦戒煙的目的。