
quip n.1.譏諷,挖苦話。2.妙語;好笑的話。3.奇行;怪物...


All in all , we arrested a total of seven persons from the car and in the vicinity . “ as hans wong related to the incident some 20 years ago , he quipped that it was admittedly somewhat daring , perhaps due to his greenness as an investigator 但我腦中只有一個意念捉著他。就在這時候,在茶樓監視的同事剛好趕到,協力把車內外合共七名疑犯一網成擒,這時我才舒一口氣!

We are quipped with all kind of advanced equipments , which include water heating unit ; water de - ionizer ; filtration , cooling , liquid circulation systems ; advanced paint heat cure ovens , etc 有熱水裝置,去離子水發生器,超濾裝置,冷卻裝置,直流電源,各種液體循環系統,漆膜固化烘道等輔助設備,為生產線提供工藝配套。整體設備復雜、技術含量高,工藝先進。

There were times when he came off really bad , but overall , you got the gamut of shaq quips and one - liners . . . from the “ i ' m a big goofy kid “ quotes to the intimidating serious smack - talking 接下來也有姚明表現非常差的那種片段,但總體上,你看到了鯊克的妙語連珠,然后便是諸如“我是一個傻大個”之類的言論。

They were off for a drive - she , looking about and noticing fine clothing , the young men voicing those silly pleasantries and weak quips which pass for humour in coy circles 她環顧四周,留意著華麗的服飾。小伙子們則說著那些愚蠢的笑話和無味的妙語,這在故作忸怩的蕩子圈子里就算是幽默了。

“ we call the training viper u , “ explains cdr . victor weber , operations officer at nsawc . “ some call it viper vo - tech , “ he quips “我們將這種訓練稱之為毒蛇追擊, ” nsawc的行動指揮官維克托?韋伯中校解釋說。 “也有人把它叫作毒蛇的職業技術訓練, ”他嘲諷道。

He fell asleep during a service in honour of martin luther king at a church in harlem ( “ bill has a dream ” , quipped the new york post ) 在哈勒姆一個教堂中,他竟然在紀念馬丁?路德?金的活動中睡著了(這被《紐約郵報》戲虐為“比爾有一個夢想” ) 。

Through tips , quips , examples , and anecdotes , teodor takes an in - depth look at the imperative nature of commenting a program s language from beginning to end 通過技巧、講解、示例和軼事, teodor從頭到尾深入討論了對程序語言進行注釋的迫切本質。

You can find out hundreds of warm and tender quotes , funny stories , poetry , memories , and quips from the famous , and not so famous , about babies 你可以找到上百句出自名人或不知道出處的溫馨語錄、有趣的故事、詩歌、回憶和俏皮話。

No doubt some of them were quipping . yet these remarks reflect in part the misunderstanding in some quarters of the community about the work of the icac 這些言論部分是戲言,但某程度上亦反映公眾對廉署的運作,并不完全了解。

My grandmother once quipped that you can sleep next to a person all your life but you will never know what truly goes on in his mind 我的祖母曾說,就算你一生睡在你的伴侶身邊,你永遠也沒法真的知道對方在想什么。

The unforgettable debate quip that can deflate a candidacy is the worst nightmare of any presidential hopeful 那些人們津津樂道的令候選人感到灰心喪氣的諷刺挖苦,對于任何有可能成為總統的人,都是一場噩夢。

Arnall has already figured out the saddest day of the year . it was january 23 - a monday . “ surprise , surprise “ , he quipped 阿諾爾還曾用公式計算出這一年中最郁悶的一天,結論是1月23日,一個星期一。

She has a quick laugh and quips , “ that doesn ' t make any sense . it ' s not like i ' m some great cook or something 恩在干笑了一聲,自嘲:這根本不算理由!我可不是手藝高超的名廚,也不是什么舉足輕重的人物

Quips such as “ it ' s only a machine gun “ when asked if you are carrying any dangerous goods will not be tolerated 當問及是否攜帶任何危險物品,若開玩笑回答:只有一把機關槍,也不獲容許。

For the british , happiness is a suspicious transatlantic import ( “ we don ' t do happiness , ” quips one chap ) 對英國人來說,幸福是個可疑的大西洋舶來品(一個小伙子諷刺說“我們不幸福” ) 。

Having descriptions , reflections , quips , and quotes in a picture album makes it much more memorable and fun to write 在一個相冊中有描述、反射、妙語、引用時,它使編寫更難忘更有樂趣。

She will bring a special gift . ' i ' m good at making people happy singing songs , ' she quipped 她還將帶來特別的禮物, “我很擅長用歌聲來讓每個人過得愉快, ”她很俏皮地說。

Cech quipped that it was the fact he was approaching 100 clean - sheets for chelsea , that was hampering him 切赫打趣到他即將迎來第100場不失球的比賽,這阻礙了他的發揮。

She will bring a special gift . im good at making people happy singing songs , she quipped 她還將帶來特別的禮物, “我很擅長用歌聲來讓每個人過得愉快, ”她很俏皮地說。