
quintessence n.1.(古代哲學所說的空氣,水,火,土以外的)第五原質...


The war preparation thought , “ preparations first and then war “ , is the summary of the thought of “ winning first “ , and is the sun wu ' s quintessence of preparing for attacking too 孫武“先勝而后求戰”的備戰思想,是對戰爭準備的深刻揭示,是“先勝”思想的總結,也是孫武備戰思想的精華。

Plato ' s timaeus posits the existence of a fifth element ( corresponding to the fifth , remaining , platonic solid ) called quintessence , of which space itself is made 柏拉圖的《提馬亞斯》安置了第五種元素的存在物(與第五相應,保持著,理想的立方體) ,稱為精萃,空間本身就是這樣制成的。

It contain the quintessence of plant of natural aloe , natural chrysanthemum plant quintessence , natural lemon plant quintessence , abundant moist both hands , make the skin full of elasticity 蘊含天然蘆薈植物精華天然野菊花植物精華天然檸檬植物精華,充分滋潤雙手,使肌膚充滿彈性。

Giantkone succeeds kone s advanced technology and cultural quintessence to accumulate strength for a take - off , which can provide high quality elevator escalator products and services 巨人通力傳承百年通力的先進技術和文化精髓,蓄勢而發,為中國的現代化提供優質的電扶梯產品和服務。

Powers might be known by other names in some locales , and psionic characters often have different names for their powers , such as “ collapse time ” for quintessence 異能可能在某些地區有其他名稱,靈能人物也常常給他們的異能其個其他名稱,例如將“萃取術”叫成“瓦解時間” 。

Books are more than books . they are the life , the very heart and core of ages past , the reason why men lived and worked and died , the essence and quintessence of their lives 書不只是書,它們是過去時代的生活和核心,是人們為什么活著,工作和死亡的原因,是他們生命的本質和精華

The quintessence of western federalism theory is to boost local government competition and economic efficiency by endowing local governments with more responsibilities 摘要西方聯邦制理論的精髓在于通過賦予地方政府更多的責任,促進地方政府競爭和經濟效率的提高。

The unity of political ideal and artistic ideal is regarded as the goal of a calligrapher and represents the quintessence of the author ' s understanding of calligraphy 這種弘揚政治理想與藝術理想統一的書法家高尚完美人格的藝術觀乃是孫過庭書學思想的精髓。

Selected works of tom ' s poems selected works of tom ' s article tom ' s calligraphy share the quintessence of chinese culture with our friends all over the world 湯姆詩詞選湯姆文選湯姆書法選高考語文全市第一( 100分) ,與世界各地的朋友分享中華國粹。

Lantern riddle is the highlight of chinese culture , our country quintessence , while we chaoshan district has a nationally wide fame of lantern riddle 燈謎是中華文化的一大特色,是我國的國粹,而我們潮汕地區的燈謎更是全國赫赫有名的。

The simplest physical model for an appropriate dark energy component is a single slowly - rolling scalar field , sometimes referred to as quintessence 解釋黑暗能量最簡單的物理模型,是一個單一而緩慢滾動的純量場,有時稱為真空場。

Harmonious , an important part of traditional culture of china , is philosophical modes and cultural quintessence founded only by chinese 和合精神是中國優秀傳統文化的重要組成部分,是中華民族獨創的哲學觀念和文化精粹。

Modern heuristics is the quintessence of rational thought , embodiment of humanism . it values the nature of human being and charms us all 現代啟發式教學,作為理性思潮的結晶,人本主義精神的化身,高揚了人的主體性本質。

The herbaceous quintessence of natural plant can suppress the forming of the melanin effectively , making the skin beautiful and engaging 天然植物草本精華,能夠有效地抑制黑色素的形成,使肌膚白皙動人,凈白無瑕看得見。

Nowadays , it is rare to display lancet wielding skill without mixing with other styles . only master lius keeps the quintessence of lancet wielding 今世尚能真用柳葉刀之刀法特性,而不與其他刀式刀法混為一談者極罕見。

The herbaceous quintessence of natural plant can suppress forming of the melanin effectively . making the skin beautiful and engaging 天然植物草本精華,能夠有效地抑制黑色素的形成,使肌膚白皙動人,去痘無痕更白皙。

The university spirits are the quintessence of a university , and they are cohesive force , creativity and vitality of a modern university 摘要大學精神是一所現代大學的凝聚力、創造力和生命力,是大學的精髓所在。

Dim sum , which literally means “ touch the heart “ , are tiny morsels of delicious food that is the quintessence of cantonese food 創意無限的香港廚師,把美味巧手的點心換上卡通造型,為的就是討討孩子的歡心!

The book seeks deep for the quintessence of chinese hair culture and the gene of national character contained in the hair culture 本書深刻發掘了中國發文化的精髓,以及在發文化中蘊藏的民族性格基因。