
quinsy n.【醫學】扁桃體周膿腫。


She is a hoary pandemonium of ills , enlarged glands , mumps , quinsy , bunions , hayfever , bedsores , ringworm , floating kidney , derbyshire neck , warts , bilious attacks , gallstones , cold feet , varicose veins . a truce to threnes and trentals and jeremies and all such congenital defunctive music 她是各種疾病盤踞的自發魔窟:瘰疬流行性腮腺炎扁桃體周膿腫拇趾囊腫脹枯草熱褥瘡金錢癬浮游腎甲狀腺腫瘊子膽汁病膽結石冷血癥和靜脈瘤。

The wolf paused in his flight ; awkwardly , like a man with a quinsy , he turned his heavy - browed head towards the dogs , and still with the same soft , rolling gait gave one bound and a second , and , waving its tail , disappeared into the bushes 狼暫時不跑了,就像患了咽喉炎那樣,笨拙地把它那前額高的頭轉向獵犬,仍然有點兒搖搖晃晃,突然跳了一兩下,躲進森林邊緣不見了。