
quins n.〔口語〕=quintuplets.


The paper examines the evolution and transformation of han taoists ' views on the cultivation of life , how they followed the tradition of their pre - quin predecessors ' emphasis on “ spirit “ ( shen ) how they combined the theory of energized cosmos prevailing in the period of warring states , and how they interpreted the way ( tao ) as energy ( chi ) , essential energy ( jingchi ) and harmonious energy ( hochi ) 摘要漢代道家,奉守先秦道家貴身賤物,清靜自然的重神傳統,結合著戰國以來的氣化宇宙觀,將道詮釋為氣、精氣或和氣,去開啟創生,從而引出養生的相關思想理論,輕重不等地轉化了先秦道家,尤其是《老子》的養生觀,使成為由貴神賤形、養神遺形,漸次變為形、氣、神兼養的黃老養生說,終而成為愛氣結精、房中節制以得仙壽的宗教養生論。