
quantity n.1.量 (opp. quality); 分量,數量;...

quantity goods

An asterisk designates quantities that refer to the volume element . 星號“”代表體積元的有關量。

The same quantity of air enters a junction as leaves it . 進入一個接點的空氣量和離開的空氣量相等。

In physics it is better to think of interdependent quantities . 在物理學上,較常考慮相互依賴的量。

It reflects a chain-like interconnection between quantities . 它反映了諸量之間的一種鏈式的連系。

In digital design a quantity may have either of two values . 在數字設計中,變量可在兩值中取一。

Huge quantities of steam may be erupted and then condense . 大量水氣會噴發出來,然后冷凝成雨。

Within the limitation of quantity you are free to do as you choose . 在這個限量內你可以任便。

The quantity n is an integer, not a continuous variable . 量n是個整數,而不是一個連續的變量。

The water you'll see comes out in tremendous quantities . 你將要看見的水會洶涌澎湃地流出來。

These two quantities cannot however take on any value . 不過,上述這兩個量并不能具有任意值。

Pug saw vast quantities of lend-lease material in use . 帕格看到了大量的租借物資在發揮作用。

The state allotted them large quantities of chemical fertilizer . 國家給他們調撥了大量化肥。

Adequate quantities of plasma continued to perfuse the kidney . 相當量的血漿持續灌注到腎臟。

Quality is better than quantity . 質勝于量。

Isospin is a vector quantity . 同位旋是矢量。

He eat the quantity of dung both from me and from thee . 他可以忍受我的,還有你的多少侮辱。

Quality comes before quantity . 質量勝過數量。

A very useful quantity is the half-time for the reaction . 一個很有用的量是反應的半衰期。

At night we have great quantities of spare electric power . 夜間,我們有大量多余的電力。