
quadrangle n.1.四角形,四邊形(特指正方形及矩形)。2.(大學等...


Based on the characteristics of the geological exploring data , a method for establishing data model was presented , in which the triangle network was combined with the quadrangle network . at last , the geologic maps needed for geological research were drawn through the gdi ( graphics device interface ) and the 3d visualization system model was established for stratumtous geological body . base on the achievments mentioned above , a software system was developed which can be used independently without relying on any software platform 文中首先介紹了可視化技術以及地質制圖技術的發展,然后對地質構造可視化模型進行了研究,根據地質測量數據的特點,提出了三角形網和四邊形網相結合的數據建模方法,最后通過圖形接口繪制了地質研究所需的地質圖件,構建了層狀地質體三維可視化系統模型,并開發出了可以獨立于任何軟件平臺使用的地質三維可視化軟件系統。

A tour to beijing rear lake area . visitors will be arranged to visit the old beijing lanes by rickshaws , hutong tour lasts for 2 hours , led by local guide , visitors will visit the typical chinese quadrangles , primary school , many famous old building , like the bell tower , where you can experience the real life of ordinary people in beijing 驅車20分鐘到達北京什剎海,精彩的北京胡同游開始,游客將乘人力三輪車進入老北京胡同地區,走進普通百姓人家,體驗北京人的傳統生活,參觀該地區著名的古建筑,參觀時間2小時。

In this text , around the specification of frequency conversion machine , proceed some study , has finished some work as below primarily : this text will study the output characteristic and the output characteristic of variable frequency speed regulation system . the input characteristic include power quadrangle theory , the relation of cos ( ? ) , and f 本文圍繞著變頻系統的特殊性,進行了一些研究,主要完成以下的研究工作:本文對變頻調速系統進行了輸入特性和輸出特性的研究,輸入特性包括:功率四邊形理論,功率因數、效率和頻率三者之間的關系。

Surface reconstruction is one of key techniques in reverse engineering . based on unorganized discrete points come from finite element analysis triangular mesh on exterior surface of the aeroengine hollow turbine blade , this dissertation studied some related problems , such as scattered data preprocessing , quadrangle partition and surface reconstruction technology 曲面重構是逆向工程研究的重要內容之一,本文基于航空發動機空心渦輪葉片外表面的有限元三角網格離散點,對離散數據點的預處理、四邊域劃分及曲面重構技術進行了研究。

On the assumption of ignoring the distortion of thickness , this paper determines the rough shape by the geometric modeling method of equal area developing using mixed mesh cell of triangle and quadrangle for the first time , presents the equal area developing arithmetic of quadrangle - triangle . on the virtual geometric symmetry axis , we puts forward the method of determining the developed coordinate of the point on the base band in the development of using regular quadrangle cell , determines the developed shape of internal structure in plane utilizing point - to - point mapping theory . furthermore , we realize the approximate developing of undeveloped - irregular boundary surface using a few triangle cells 本文結合型號研制中小曲率機翼整體壁板類零件坯料展開課題,基于板料厚向變形忽略不計的先驗假設,首創混合四邊形-三角形網格等面積展開的幾何模擬法確定壁板類零件毛坯外形,給出了混合四邊形-三角形網格等面積展開算法;提出了虛擬分割線的概念,采用虛擬幾何對稱軸,給出了規整四邊形單元展開基帶上結點的計算方法;采用映射原理和求交算法確定了壁板內部結構信息的展開定位。

Components , structure and surface morphology of the resulted films were identified by fourier transform infrared ( ftir ) spectroscopy , x - ray diffraction ( xrd ) and scanning electronic microscopy ( sem ) . the analyses showed the content of cubic boron nitride in the resultant films on substrates was rather high and crystal particles of c - bn with uniform size , smooth crystal plane and regular shapes ( quadrangle and hexagon ) densely arrayed on the substrate 傅里葉轉換紅外吸收( ftir )光譜儀、 x射線衍射( xrd )儀和掃描電鏡( stm )的測量結果顯示,基底上的bn膜中立方相含量很高,且晶粒大小均勻、排列致密,晶形呈規則的四角和六角形。

In order to solve two - dimension three - temperature energy equations over an irregular quadrangle grid , a lot of researches have been done in literature , and several different approaches have been proposed , such as five - point difference scheme , nine - point difference scheme , flux iteration scheme , finite element scheme , etc . up to now , the nine - point difference scheme is in general recognized as the better one and is used more generally 為了在不規則四邊形網格上求解二維三溫能量方程,長期以來人們已作了大量研究,先后提出了五點差分格式、九點差分格式、流迭代格式及有限元格式等等。迄今為止,人們公認較好且應用較廣的是九點差分格式。

In fact , we have done theoretical analysis and a series of numerical experiments , which show that for the nine - point scheme applied to a system of two - dimension three - temperature equations over an irregular quadrangle grid , both the local accuracy and global accuracy are very disappointing 事實表明九點格式僅在均勻平行四邊形網格上具有較好精度,在一般的不規則四邊形網格上,其局部及整體精度都是非常令人失望的。

Adopting triangle cell and quadrangle cell plotting patterns , mathematical model of sensitivity field is built to calculate sensitivity , and using these projective data and image reconstruction algorithm to obtain the distribution image of multiphase medium in the measured area 建立了敏感場的數學模型,進行敏感場計算,以此為投影數據,采用圖像重建算法,獲得被測區域內多相流介質分布狀況的圖像。

In numerical calculation , the paper employs the collocation method to compute the coupled boundary integral equations . this paper builds one - quarter wire race and one eighth rolling ball contact model , employs both quadrangle and triangle element and forms the contact pairs 建立了1 / 4鋼絲與1 / 8滾動體的接觸模型,同時使用四邊形八節點單元和三角形六節點進行單元劃分,并形成了接觸點對。

The vip suite room is also the principle room of the whole quadrangles . it s located at the north side and facing the south . the bed - like compartment which was carved with the pattern of “ peonies “ separates the room into three functional areas 貴賓房,亦即正房,是整個四合院中最豪華也是最尊貴的房間,位于院落的北部,座北朝南,雕有“富貴牡丹”的碧紗櫥將房間分為三個功能區。

It s organized in a quadrangle , a group of four lines , so i organized my music in this sort of four - line group . for example , a recurring theme in the poem is the three - word line , “ how many miles ? “ and this recurs several times 這是一首四行詩,所以我的音樂就配合它四行一組的特性,例如詩里有著三個字有多遠的重復旋律,而且出現了很多次,第一次是出現在第二段,內容是

The main results obtained in this paper are as follows : ( 1 ) it is discovered that the nine - point difference scheme is not consistent over any irregular quadrangle grid except that the grid is consists of some congruent parallelograms 所獲主要結果如下: ( 1 )通過大量數值試驗和理論分析,揭露了九點差分格式在不規則四邊形網格上按經典意義不相容的缺點。

According to traditional power triangle ( the square of the active power , reactive power and apparent power form the relation of the right triangles ) , put forward a new electrician ' s theories of power quadrangle 基于傳統的功率三角形(即有功功率,無功功率,和視在功率三者的平方成直角三角形的關系) ,提出了功率四邊形這種新的電工理論。

In a quadrangle of lahore ' s elegant british - built high courts , beside a soothing fountain and surrounded by red - brick colonnades , some of these lawyers are on hunger - strike ? or , more accurately , skipping lunch 在優雅的拉舍爾英建高等法院的四合院內,在寧靜的噴泉旁,在紅磚柱廊的環抱下,一些律師正在絕食以示支持,更準確的說法是,絕午餐。

Shouts from the open window startling evening in the quadrangle . a deaf gardener , aproned , masked with matthew arnold s face , pushes his mower on the sombre lawn watching narrowly the dancing motes of grasshalms 耳聾的花匠系著圍裙,有著一張像煞馬修阿諾德33的臉,沿著幽幽的草坪推著割草機,仔細地盯著草莖屑末的飛舞。

Quantity of vast discrete points are compressed to a appropriate number and these points are partitioned to different quadrangle for the reason of surface approximation using nurbs 四邊域劃分是實現了離散數據點的劃分問題,將離散數據點進行分割,使每個區域適合于四邊域的曲面擬合。

Because of the influence of harmonic , traditional power triangle ca n ' t be applied in variable frequency speed regulation system , this text proof the accuracy of the power quadrangle 由于諧波的影響,傳統的功率三角形已經不能適用于變頻調速系統,本文證明了功率四邊形的正確性。

But if you are looking for a pickup game of frisbee or a quiet place to read , tulane s grassy quadrangles and oak - lined walks also offer a welcoming environment 在后來的發展過程中,又陸續擴充了工程,建筑和商業等學院,從而成為了一所文理兼備的綜合性大學。