
qms Q.M.S. =quartermaster sergea...


The very core of the iso9000 : 2000 is the quality management with process approach . however , this standard only provides the framework of the qms process mode , and is short of any suggestions or offers of relevant supporting technologies . furthermore , in the current quality information management system , there exist the following problems : irrelevancy to qms , lack of information collection for qms and great dependence on organization and operation 2000版iso9000標準的一個核心思想就是運用過程方法進行質量管理,但該標準僅提供了質量管理體系過程模式的框架,并沒有建議和提供相應的支持技術,使得質量管理體系很容易流于形式;同時現行的質量信息管理系統普遍存在沒有密切聯系質量管理體系,缺乏對質量管理體系運行信息的收集,對企業組織機構及業務職能依賴性大等方面的問題。

Adopting the email management system of “ east sea bridge project management information system ( esbp - mis ) “ , which is in the charge of shanghai juyee science & technology development co . , ltd . , this paper studies the special characters of qmail , and sets up the qmail management system ( qms ) based on the qmail kernel for the project 本文是作者對在上海巨一科技有限公司接受“東海大橋建設指揮部”的委托為其開發“東海大橋工程項目管理信息系統( esbp - mis ) ”項目中的輔助辦公子系統的一個重要功能模塊,即設計開發基于qmail內核包的電子郵件服務系統的技術總結和理論研究,同時對系統實現時遇到的幾個關鍵問題的解決作了分析。

Based on the management of the process network structure in qms , with computer and database technology as the tool , qsims collects , stores , arranges and analyzes the quality information in process network to supervise and control the process of qms , so that the information support can be obtained for the efficient function and continuous improvement of qms Qsims是以計算機和數據庫技術為手段,在對質量體系的過程網絡結構進行管理的基礎上,通過對流轉于過程網絡中的質量信息及各過程執行情況信息的采集、存儲、整理和分析,來監督和控制質量體系的運行情況,從而為質量體系的有效運行和持續改進提供信息支持。

The content of this thesis is as follows : 1 . it analyzes the theory and advantage and disadvantage of the establishment of enterprise information system . the design theory of the generator to quality management system ( qms ) software based on web is advanced 論文的內容主要包括如下幾個方面: 1 、對企業信息系統建設進行了分析和研究,在分析了當前的各種管理信息系統( erp 、 oa 、 qms等)的原理及優缺點的基礎上,提出了基于web的質量管理體系軟件生成器的設計思想。

As to therespect in qms construction , the author puts emphasis on the organizationalstructure , the essential function factor assignment , the purchase process , theproduction process , the lasting improvement of quality as well as enterprise qualitycultural construction in the combination of his own research area 在qms構建方面,作者結合自己的研究方向,重點放在組織結構、職能要素的分配、采購過程、生產過程、質量持續改進以及質量文化建設上。

With the widespread application of iso 9001 : 2000 quality management system ( qms ) , the understanding , implementation , attestation of the qms “ standards and the studying of the qms “ attestation theory and practice have become those important topics for qms experts 隨著iso9001 : 2000質量管理體系標準在我國的廣泛應用,對質量管理體系標準的理解與實施以及對質量管理體系認證理論與實踐的研究已成為當今質量管理專家探討的重要課題。

A qms is an explicit element of the corporate management responsibility which sets out a company ' s quality policy and defines how it intends to manage quality as an integral part of its overall business “質量管理體系”是企業管理職責中的一個明確的要素,它陳述了一個企業的質量政策并且定義了這個企業的質量策略,是一個公司整體業務中一個不可分割的組成部分。

Qms is an explicit element of the corporate management responsibility which sets out a company ' s quality policy and defines how it intends to manage quality as an integral part of its overall business “質量管理體系”是企業管理職責中的一個明確的要素,它陳述了一個企業的質量政策并且定義了這個企業的質量策略,是一個公司整體業務中一個不可分割的組成部分。

At present , it is the hot point to establish the quality management system ( qms ) with iso9000 standard , accordingly to promote the quality management and to advance the product quality and customer ' s satisfaction 目前,遵循iso9000標準建立企業質量管理體系,并以此推動企業的質量管理、提高產品質量和顧客滿意程度,已經成為國內外企業普遍關注的熱點。

Engineering and maintenance , material supply and all other departments whose activities contribute to the production ' s quality performance will have their own processes and procedures under the umbrella of the corporate qms 在公司質量管理體系下,工程、維修、材料供應以及其它涉及生產質量績效的任何部門都必須有各自的符合質量管理要求的工作細則和程序。

Food safety team leader ? clause 5 . 5 this person performs a similar role in a fsms to that provided by the management representative in a qms although the establishment of a food safety team of 2 or more people is also required 標準規定需建立食品安全小組( 2名或以上人員組成) ,其組長在fsms中行使與qms管理者代表類似的職責。

Certification significance of the quality management system ( qms ) , environment management system ( ems ) , occupation health & safety management system ( ohsms ) for the industrial explosive enterprise are introduced in this paper 摘要文章介紹了民爆行業企、事業單位開展質量、環境和職業健康安全管理體系認證工作的意義。

The attestation of qms in the institutes of pla is now at a beginning stage , so it is necessary to study the establishment and attestation of qms in these institutes systematically 軍隊科研所質量管理體系認證工作起步較晚,因此對軍隊科研所如何建立質量管理體系和體系認證工作進行較系統的研究迫在眉睫且很有必要。

These topics are significant in terms of deep understanding the gist of the qms , guiding the qms “ practice , quickening the establishment and the attestation of qms in related departments of china 這對于深入理解標準的內涵,更好地指導實踐,促進我國各個組織盡快建立質量管理體系和進行體系認證工作意義重大。

A developed qms provides a transparent , recorded system to manage quality and deserves at least the same degree of care that would be applied to a financial management system 一個發達的質量管理體系是以一個透明的,可追溯性的系統來實現對于質量的管理,其受重視程度應該至少不低于財務管理體系。

“ to be efficient in providing our customers high quality & cost effective products . - through our commitment to meeting all requirements and continual improvement of the qms effectiveness . “有效率的提供高品質和價格合理的產品給客戶經由我們的承諾來達成品質管理系統績效的所有規定及持續改善。

An effective qms will provide a means of achieving enhanced quality performance which meets or exceeds basic compliance with the regulatory requirements associated with quality 一個有效的質量管理體系必須為提高質量績效提供一種手段,這種手段必須符合或超過與質量相關的管理要求的基本限度。

Two key technologies are studied in this thesis : the identification and expression of the qms process , and the quality information management based on process 在本論文中,重點研究了qsims中的兩項關鍵技術:質量體系過程識別及表示方法和基于過程的質量信息管理。

The retail trade has experienced the change from department store to supermarket ; now general merchandise store ( qms ) has become the main trend of the retail trade 零售業經歷了由百貨店向超級市場的轉變,大型綜合超市( gms )成為零售業發展的主流。