
pyrogenic 短語和例子pyrogenic,pyrogenousadj...


My major research interests are 1 pathogenesis of pyrogenic fever , 2 pathogenesis of heat stroke , 3 pathogenesis of cerebral ischemia and injury , and 4 central control mechanisms of cardiovascular function 我的研究興趣包括: 1利用熱中風動物模式,探討熱中風發生時的自主神經系統功能免疫功能及神經細胞病變,

In certain disease states eg . cystic fibrosis , medicinal products administered by nebulisation are required to be sterile and non - pyrogenic 有些疾病,如囊腫纖維化,噴霧劑要求無菌無熱原。

Treatment of lumbar disc herniation with percutaneous laser disc decompression combined with chinese herbs pyrogenic dressing therapy 激光汽化減壓配合中藥熱敷治療腰椎間盤突出癥的臨床觀察