
pyriform adj.梨狀的。


Methods : among these 32 patients with narrow nasal valve , 10 were operated with anterior inferior turbinectomy , 4 with deviation orthopedic of protruding trian gular outer cartilage ( 2 on the left , 2 on both sides ) , 6 with bone - widen operation of osseous pyriform aperture ( 2 on the left , 4 on both sides ) . the nasal ventilation before and after operation was observed 方法: 32例鼻瓣膜區狹窄患者,行下鼻甲前端切除術10例,鼻外側軟骨凸出矯正術4例(左側2例、雙側2例) ,骨性梨狀孔狹窄擴大術6例(左側2例、雙側4例) ,觀察手術前后鼻通氣改善情況以判定療效。