
pyrethrum n.1.【植物;植物學】紅花除蟲菊 (Chrysanth...


Methods : refers to gems / food recommends the monitor project , the shaoxing special food yellow wine , the dried vegetables , the preserved beancurd , the fragrant cake , the sauce duck carried on the lead , the arsenic , the cadmium , the organochlorines , the organic phosphorus , the pyrethrum , the synthetic colour , the sorbic acid , the benzoic acid , the nitrite monitor were determined 方法:參照建立全國食品污染物監測系統和全球食品污染物監測規劃( gems / food )中推薦監測項目,對紹興特產食品黃酒、干菜、腐乳、香糕、醬鴨進行了鉛、砷、鎘、有機氯、有機磷、擬除蟲菊酯、合成色素、山梨酸、苯甲酸、亞硝酸鹽的監測。

Made from natural pyrethrum , can quickly and effectively strike down flies and mosquitoes , and approved by the chinese state environmental protection administration 本品采用高效擬除蟲菊酯為有效藥物,配方合理、氣味芳香,能快速殺滅蚊子、蒼蠅、蟑螂等害蟲。適合家庭、餐廳、賓館等場所使用。

Made with natural pyrethrum , it is well tested and passed by the technical experts . very good smell and effective protection against mosquitoes . kill mosquito last for 8 hours 本品采用高效擬除蟲菊酯及天然優質原料科學精制而成,驅蚊能力強,氣味芳香,對人體安全。

Made with purify carbon dust 、 pyrethrum no smoke 、 taste after light and don ' t irritate pneogaster 、 safety 、 higher effective 本品采用高效擬除蟲菊酯為有效藥物精心配制而成,無煙環保,驅蚊力強,氣味芳香,不污染環境,對人體無刺激。

The shaoxing yellow wine organic phosphorus remains , the pyrethrum remains had not picked out 紹興黃酒有機磷殘留,菊酯類殘留均未檢出。

An insecticide derived from a plant , e . g . pyrethrum ( from chrysanthemum flowers ) 3來源于植物的殺蟲劑,例如除蟲菊(來源于菊花) 。

Isolation and structural elucidation of flavonoid from pyrethrum tatsienense 藏藥川西小黃菊中黃酮類成分的分離與結構鑒定